Chapter 40 - Team Gigantum

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In every school, of course there are topnotcher students. Even KAI have them. Three most powerful and talented villains-in-training tight under their care stand up above the rest of the aspiring menace of the modern generation. But of course, Team Marauders and the League of Villains has a plan to overthrow them from their ranking.


'The continuous appearance of graffiti arts around the Saitama Prefecture makes the local government thought of a single movement behind this. According to some patrollers, the graffiti posses a common subject which is three giant, monstrous creatures with different varieties.'

Tagiri showed his class the news of the current happening in the Saitama Prefecture and paused the video to a shot of one of the said graffiti.

The grey haired teacher blew a smoke from his cigarette and faced the class with a bored look in his eyes. He puts his free hand in his pocket as the other holds his cigarette.

"So KAI officially declared the annual Clandestine about three days ago and it will last until next week. Some students have started their work and made their move on their projects while some are still here, in my class, waiting for me to kick their sorry a** off before they make a move," he rented, glaring at them, obviously pissed.

Some students don't even care about what he was saying while some just raised their eyebrows. Meanwhile, Midoriya raised his hand while twirling a pocketknife.

"Yes, Midoriya?"

"What is the Clandestine? Mind orienting us?" He boredly asked and Tagiri exhales smoke again and turned to a purple haired teen in the room, scribbling notes in his notebook.

"It's an academy-wide project that KAI do every year. It lets students partake villain jobs either by themselves, with a group or in collaboration with other professional villains. Student rankings will also be based by this," he answered and Todoroki tilted his head and raised one finger up.

"Wait. It's somehow like the fieldwork in UA," he pointed out and Tagiri clicked his tongue upon hearing the name of the hero school.

"Something like that but think of this like the mixture of that fieldwork and the Sports Festival," he corrected and Bakugo suddenly speaks.

"Students rankings are comprehended by this? Then who is the top students so far, huh?" He inquired and Tagiri smirked, surprising the newbies. Their other classmates also have the same reaction to their ignorance and all turned to the bright purple haired teen in the room.

Sensing the stares, the boy with purple hair and blue antenna flinched, turning around to meet the gaze of the Marauders. He has blue eyes and freckles on his face and he looks somehow timid and bored at the same time.

"I can sense attention on me again. How annoying," he muttered as one of his antennas twitch.

"We have the top three here in our class. Hoshi Makoto. He is the pride of our class and he can probably defeat you in a mock battle," one student said and Bakugo glared at her.

"What the f*ck you said? No sh*t can defeat me!" He screamed and Tagiri threw his finished cigar on a ashtray on his table as Midoriya eyes and analyzes Hoshi Makoto.

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