Chapter 59 - The Ramirezes

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Sisly was running around the building and fixing her utility belt around her waist. She heard it do a satisfying click and sighed. She then continued on running. Her suit is a green skin-tight with white linings.

She wore a pair of green gloves that ends on her elbows. A pair of white one-heeled boots that ends on her mid-thigh and her yellow utility belt that hold a retractable staff that is securely fasten around her waist. She also wears a white mask with green outer linings and black glasses to cover her eyes.

"Man, running with heels is hard. How do they do that?" She asked and saw something flying towards her and with all her training in mind, she quickly dodged and avoided being impaled by a syringe.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she stare cautiously at the syringe and traced it to where it came from. She heard a person laughing and readied herself.

"Show yourself!" She demanded, "I know you're out there!"

"How cliche for you to say that. Nekta-chan can do better," a female voice said, but it refused to reveal itself.

"Well, uh..." Sisly internally cursed herself. An amateur out in battle before getting poperly prepared, that's her, "Well, I'm not Ne--Syren! Yeah, come on! Show yourself!"

She internally patter herself for a nice save and went back to bring serious because she is in the presence of an enemy. No, it's more like the enemy is in her presence. Yeah, that's it!

"Well, beginner's luck. Let's see how you do in combat!" In a flash, a sequence of sharp objects got shot to her direction and Sisly dodged every last bit. Thank goodness people from Class 1-A that is specialized with reflexes tutor her or she could be a bleeding porcupine by now.

She went to the direction where the weapons originated while taking her staff from her belt. She made it expand to her height then used it to deflect incoming attacks. She deflected most of it but some that pass through her barrier scratched her cheeks. Her opponent clicked her tongue like a mother scolding her child for being naughty and with one last blade that Sisly dodged, her villain finally made an appearance.

Blond hair in a odango style and maniacal golden irises. A villain in a school girl uniform. Just as what Uraraka and Midoriya told them. She knows her as a master of disguise that intakes blood to take its owner's form and have a massive crush on Midoriya.

"Toga Himiko. That's you right?"

"I hate to agree with you after shattering all my precious babies. But yes. Your's truly, Toga Himiko," the villain said, bowing. Sisly's hand clasped tightly around her staff and glared at the smiling girl before her. Toga stood straight and her smile widened.

"The plan was for Nekta-chan to get you, but seems like you have other plans. I can be flexible. Why not?"

"What do you wish to accomplish here?" Sisly asked, setting aside the anxiousness she harbors upon hearing her sister's name.

"For name, for fun, for family reunion, blah blah blah. It depends on each one of us. But for me," she giggled and pointed her giant syringe at Sisley, "It's for me to show how right Stain's beliefs are."

Sisley have heard of that name in the past. The Hero-Killer, stain. He was a huge controversy a few months back and a lot of people shared his ideals. For her, what he believed in is not entirely false, but the way he try to consult the case is a way without morality. No matter what the cause, one must not kill even for the right thing.

"His cause is noble but the way he executed it is not."

"Oh, you're just saying that because you're a newbie. Let yourself grow up and you'll see the efficiency of killing."

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