Chapter 10 - Channelling

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The three successfully infiltrated the Todoroki residence. It's so late in the night that everyone in the house is already in bed, except for a certain person.

"You really brought them?" A rather cheerful tone came from a familiar voice. They all turned their heels and the two high-schools students widened their eyes.

There stood Todoroki Shoto. But he's nothing like he was before. He have that cheerful enthusiastic aura around him that slightly resembles a child. And his white hair is now grey.

"Did you know that everyone in class is actually plotting on finding you? But there are still people whose very skeptical of the plan. They didn't even became suspicious of me that I've been seeing Syren most of the nights," Midoriya laughed at Todoroki's statement, but was silenced when Nekta punched his face hard.


"We're here to get you to the lair ASAP. But to avoid suspicion, I wan't you to act like we're kidnapping you. And the rest will be discussed in---"

"Wait! Are you telling me that that half-half bastard is also gonna be part of this insane fiasco?" Bakugo interjected as Midoriya rubs the part of his face that Nekta punched.

"Aren't you part of it already?" Midoriya talked back, earning a glare from the explosive teen.

"There's no time for arguments. Shoto, do you---" a bag suddenly dropped down on the floor with Todoroki smiling wide.

"Ready!" He said and Nekta scanned the area.

"Where is your sister's room?" She asked and Todoroki pointed at the other direction. Nekta walked towards it and turned to Todoroki who nodded.

She slipped a piece of paper under the door and then they left. Bakugo gritted his teeth feeling useless that he didn't do anything to stop this. He felt like his ego as a hero-in-training has been violated. Now he's wondering what's going on inside Todoroki and Midoriya's head to make them willingly submit into Villainy.


The next day in UA, everyone is still not getting over about the kidnapping of Bakugo and Midoriya joining the Villain's side. But they are secretly trying to find a way to save them.

"People are really not sure of what to think of UA now," Jiro said, looking at her phone to see countless articles about Bakugo's abduction and the loss of Midoriya's morality.

"Yeah, mom is even having second thoughts in letting me have class here," Hagakure said and Uraraka sadly look down.


The bell rung and everyone sat down in their respected seats. All except one. Yaoyorozu noticed Todoroki not here yet and gave her classmates a heads-up.

"Where's Todoroki-kun?" she asked and they all turned to her and then to the vacant seat beside her. Aizawa entered the room with his usual blank expression.

"Everyone," he said and then turned to the seat they were all looking at earlier. Something slowly cracks in him seeing another vacant seat in his class, "Settle down because I have an announcement to make."

For a second there, they have this gut feeling that whatever thiw announcement is, it's not good.

"What is it, sensei?" Kirishima asked and Aizawa felt more guilt hits him with his question. He already failed his class many times before, and he don't know how they will react this time.

"Todoroki-kun," just saying that, he already the anxiety in his students' faces, "has been kidnapped by Syren last night."


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