Chapter 37 - Villain School

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Midoriya patches up his sunburn with an ointment he requested from Kurogiri. He just wish this can make the stinging to a minimum. And hopefully, Todoroki can stop slapping him in that very spot.

After a while, he finally finished and put on a black shirt with a white alien printed on it. He looked at the wall of the room that he shares with Todoroki and Bakugo and saw how messed up putting all three of them together. There are burnt marks in some parts and dripping stalactites on the ceiling due to Todoroki's made-up cave of wonders. It's actually bewildering to see the room still standing after all that.

"Midoriya~! Nekta's calling out for the meeting!" Todoroki said, barging into the room with his cheery attitude. Truth be told, Midoriya is sometimes annoyed by his childish antics, but it's honestly better than his stuck-in-a-mud attitude.

"What? It's an hour already?" He exclaimed and looked at the clock by his bed and saw indeed that an hour has passed since they arrived back from the beach of Caramoan.

"Ye~p. So come on before she literally throw us off the balcony or something," said the bicolor haired boy and came skipping out of the room.

Midoriya took his pocket knife and put it in his pocket before walking out the room. A corridor with five doors leading to five rooms came into view and he set his eyes on a door by the left side. It's not actually his planned destination but he is tempted to enter it to just see a certain brunette.

She's very quiet around them except for Eri. She never talks to anyone unless spoken to. She probably just sticks around Nekta because the red head asked her a favor about keeping things tidy. Whenever he tries talking to her, she seems so tense and conserve with her words. That's so irritating. And the rejection earlier this day just makes him to cut someone's throat.

He felt a thud behind his head and he clutched his head, eyes widening. No pain. No pain. Please no pain. He prayed and greatful that nothing came. He hissed and his eyebrows compressed together in annoyance.

"Goddamnit. Don't you dare try fighting me. I'm in control," he muttered and turned to the previous door where Uraraka is probably is, "You can't protect Uraraka-chan. She'll be mine."

Something behind his head, he could feel something in conscious. Someone is conscious inside him, but he tries hard to hold it back.

"Dekuuu! You f*ck*r!" A voice boomed from one of the doors, snapping Midoriya from his little episode. He turned to that certain direction and saw Bakugo with his usual messed up face. His face really irritates him.

"Hey, isn't it Kacchan. Your face looks messed up. Came to me to help you fix it up?" He grinned and the red eyed male's face twitched.

"Damn it, Nerd! Want me to destroy yours?!"

"Midoriya! You're late for the meeting!" Todoroki suddenly popped out and Bakugo put up his middle finger in front of the bicolor boy in which he replied with the same gesture.

"Yeah yeah! I'm coming!" Midpriya said and walked to that door, which is Eri and Nekta's shared room. It's just right across Uraraka's so he took one last glance at it before entering Nekta's room.


All three of them settle themselves on a couch inside Nekta's room. It's not their first time inside her roon, but they just can't help but look around as if they're in an ocean exhibit.

Her room's dominant color is red, from the curtains to the carpet. It's well decorated and all of it are stolen. There are also a computer set which is a sick gamer set and a wardrobe where she gets her fashionable clothes.

What else can they expect from their team leader?

"When I said in a hour. I mean it," and there she is, sitting on her red bed with arms and legs crossed. She let's her hair down to where it seems to blend with her surroundings.

Midoriya gulped knowing that she is indirectly referring to him. Well, she does torture them less since the Kamino Incident. So maybe she'll let this one slide.

"Yeah....Midoriya's fifteen minutes late!" Todoroki pointed and Midoriya punched him in the arm.

"Your disciplinary action will have to wait later," Nekta said and Bakugo snarled.

"What the f*ck do you want to tell us, huh b*tch?" He said it casually and Midoriya turned to him. It's like Bakugo is too familiar with Nekta.

"We're going back to school," there was silence after those words left Nekta's mouth. The three looked at her blankly as these words process in their minds.

"What?!" Todoroki and Midoriya exclaimed with Todoroki looking horrified and Midoriya looking excited.

"Okay, you lost your sh*t. I'm outta here," Bakugo said, standing up, but was stopped when Nekta pulled his leash.

"Let me explain, you dumba**," she glared and let Bakugo go as the boy turned to her with a death glare.

"You are 'ya calling dumba**?!"

"The school I am talking about isn't just some normal high school. It's a special school built for kids like us," she said, ignoring Bakugo's question, "It's Kaki Academy for Iniquity."

"Kaki Academy for Iniquity? I've never heard of such school before," Midoriya said, trying to recall of knowing such school.

"You never did since it's a too secret institution for people who is rooting for the path of villainy. I was accepted to that school when I debuted as villain, but I never took the offer since school is one of the reason why I decided to debut," she said and took out something from her desk and gave them to the three of them, "I asked Kurogiri to fix our paperwork to enter the institution and it went out wonderful."

"Aww. I wish it didn't. School's a bomber," Todoroki whined and Nekta decided to ignore it.

"In the next two days, K.A.I will have six new students in their care," Nekta said as Midoriya counted in his fingers.

"Three...four...ummm....Senpai? You know that we are only four in the team, right?"

"Of course. Ochako and Himiko will come too," she said and Midoriya wore a pokerface when Uraraka's name was mentioned.

"Tch, who knows there is a school for evil," Bakugo said and Nekta's eyes widened at the last three words.

(teehee! If you're a reader of SGE, I know you saw that😉)

"Anyway, if UA is the top school for heroism, is KAI the same for Villainy?" Midoriya asked and Todoroki hummed, wondering.

"Is there even other schools for villains?"

"There is, but KAI is the biggest villain school there is in Japan and it's pretty secured from the heroes," she said and she used her quirk to get something from inside her closet and threw it towards them.

"These are actually uniforms, but you can wear anything with it as long you have it," she said as the three of them inspect the blue fabric.

It's a dark blue jacket with a logo of K.A.I in the collar and little slit in the back.

"Really? Cool. I might even like this school," Todoroki said, grinning.

"Good. Then, get ready because we'll get things we'll need tomorrow."


Five more days and I'll be fifteen! Yehet!

~RSE out

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