Chapter 19 - "You Should Become A Hero"

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Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo felt themselves being pulled backwards and the next thing they knew, they're in another room, far from the wrecked bar.

"What happened? Why is AllMight here?" Todoroki exclaimed and Bakugo made an explosion at Midoriya. The green haired dodged it in the last minute, but jot without getting his arm slightly burned.

"You idiot! I'm out of here!" Bakugo yelled and tried breaking the door down, but was stopped by Todoroki's ice.

"Nah-uh, Bakugo. They want us and we won't let then do what they want," Todoroki said, putting a finger up and smiled.

"Like sh*t if I stay here. You extras might be thinking of staying but I'm not. I'm still going to be a hero and I'll bring this whole sh*t down,"  Bakugo said and the two if them engaged in battle. Midoriya just stood there, looking dumbfounded.

He turned to the frozen door and something clicked inside him. All Might's here. He's here for the three of them and to bring down the League of Villains. The other heroes might also be here.

"AllMight's here? He's here for us, right?" Midoriya asked, but no one answered him. Bakugo and Todoroki is too busy fighting behind him to even pay attention to him.

Midoriya slowly walks towards the door and touched the freezing cold ice. He licked his lips and his body slowly lit up.

"Nekta-senpai is fighting AllMight," he said again as he slowly raise his his arm, "They're having a heated battle out there and they are leaving me here? No fair!"

He then punched the ice, breaking it and he started laughing. He started panting out of excitement and his eyes are wide. Wide and wild. His sanity is cracking again and his brain stooped functioning normally, only one thing is inside his head. He needs to kill someone. And it's preferably AllMight, but he don't know the reason why.

"I'll kill...I'll kill and kill and kill!" He muttered and slowly walked towards the door. However he froze, when his vision turned black.


A few minutes have passed and Nekta is fighting Kamui Woods. For her, he's a hindrance for her to fight AllMight. This was her chance to have payback to what AllMight have done to her and this lower class hero is just pushing her back.

"Goddamn it! Leave me alone, will you?!" She growled, manipulating three boulders to squish the hero, but he jumped to avoid that fate.

"You're very young to be a villain, Syren. In my opinion, with a little guidance, you can be a great hero someday," Kamui Woods said and Nekta glared at him, her green irises shrinking in anger.

"Hero? Hah! Don't make me laugh, you sh*t. All you hero do is show off your quirks to earn the public's praise. You say you guys are doing this as a team but in reality, you are all competing to know who's more powerful and earn the top spot. You heroes make me sick that vomiting my internal organs are not even enough to show that," Nekta said and made Kamui Woods levitate, surprising the hero.

"What made you think that?" Kamui uses his quirk to keep his attachment to the ground and Nekta growled at him.

"Nine years...nine f*cking years since you heroes ruined my perfect life. And after all those years, you kept a blind eye and ignored everything. You keep on talking how I keep on ruining my life when you don't even know what you did!" She screamed aned threw him across the room, enough for him to get knocked out.

Anger is piling up inside her but she can't let herself lose control. These guys want her team but keeping them away in the commotion is not a very smart move. She knows those three can't stay in the same room alone for long.

"Those idiots better behave," she said and turned to AllMight. She hates him. She hates everything about him. But, to make a smart move, she won't fight him this time. Fighting him isn't even her job in the first place. It's Shigaraki's.

Her job right now is to make sure they don't get Midoriya, Todoroki or Bakugo. They're her priority right now. And she have to stick to her priorities is she wants everything they've planned to go well.

"Be a hero? You're sick."


Nekta Ramirez, the thirteen-year-old girl who have a completely odd story. Not much is known about her besides her name, age, academic records and edgy personality. At least, that's what her classmates in Middle School thinks.

She haven't entered school since she was eight and it's a miracle she got into middle school. In her first year, everyone is curious about her.

They thought she's a foreign transfer student. They thought she was just a shy girl. They thought she's socially awkward, but she never denied nor confirmed any of it.

Then, when they knew about her amazing quirk, her name spread throughout the area and she didn't like what they started to say.

"Ramirez's quirk is so cool."

"She might be very powerful with that flashy quirk."

"Channelling? I thought it's called something-kinesis?"

"Wow! She's going to be a really great hero!"

She doesn't like all of it a tiny bit. Be a hero? Hah! That's probably the funniest joke for her. In her point of view, being a hero is worst than a corrupt politician. They do it all for fame, don't they? Aspiring for a hero is the least she wants to do.

"Ouch!" An upperclassman said after Nekta used her quirk against him. He tried making a move on her by trying to impress her with his flashy quirk, but Nekta is everything but amused.

"You think Light Manipulation is cool? Oh please, not flashy at all," Nekta spatted and the upperclassman looked at her with wide eyes. Nekta rarely speaks and when they say rarely, meaning never unless necessary.

"What the hell was that?!" One of the witnesses and peer of the upperclassman said, glaring at Nekta. The second-year girl rolled her eyes, showing off her unknown sass.

"He was bothering me so I just showed him I don't give a damn f*ck," she said and soon a crowd slowly thickened around them.

"Well, you didn't need to get violent!" Another one of the other party said and tried intimidating her with their own quirks. Nekta faked a yawn and lift up her hand and the three of them levitated.

"Again, I don't give a goddamn f*ck," she said and threw them off the window, breaking it. The crowd gasped as some went to the window and some look at Nekta, trying to see if she have a tint of guilt. However, they found none.

Then, rumors started to circulate around the school and fingers are pointed. Starting that day, Nekta was feared by everyone in their school and seeing them cower everytime she passes by stirs something inside her.

"I was wrong about her. She's not that cool."

"Heck! She's everything but cool."

"She's not fit to be a hero..."

She went to the lair one day with something in mind. Kurogiri noticed her and asked and her answer made Shigaraki turn to her.

"I want to be a villain," she said and Shigaraki hummed, finding her decision rather interesting.

"Master would be happy to hear that," he said and Nekta threw her bag across the room and a wide grin on her face.

"Rebelling against the heroes seem so fun."



So our school year will start tomorrow and this chapter is made in a rush and hope you love it.

And waaaahh! Thanks for the 1K reads! Teehee!

~RSE out

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