Chapter 43 - Shackles

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Bakugo blasted a hole into a dummy as Tagiri marks him on the papers. They started their own Quirk Assestment Test in KAI, with only them participating. It's in the weekends so their advisers wouldn't have to worry about their students running wild without their supervision.

"My turn! My turn!" Midoriya cheered, getting himself ready by stretching his muscles.

"You have one shot and no matter how much you say you can do much better, there's no second chances," Tagiri said and Midoriya grinned, flexing his muscles.

"No problem," he said and strikes a pose. Tagiri pulled a lever and a brand new dummy went up, its ragged body standing like a limped out of the rest and patched up together.

He took a deep breath, concentrating at his target. In the background, Toga, Todoroki, Bakugo, Nekta and Uraraka watch in anticipation in whatever he will do to get this over with. He never really uses his quirk unless he needs to and he doesn't really control and master it completely, maintaining at 20% in maximum.

However, that's not what Midoriya are worrying about. It's what if Tagiri notices the similarity of his quirk with AllMight's. The dream—or more like a nightmare—he had the other night still bugs him. He saw the previous users of the quirk he has inherited and even saw the origin of it in person. And that's not just it. He also the one who started it all, the first user, the helpless younger brother of All-For-One.

The running thoughts makes his head hurt and headaches aren't really his best choice for self-inflicted pain. And he doesn't like it for it is a signal that his other self is fighting back. He suddenly snaps and screamed, shocking Tagiri and the others a little before deciding to finally let out a huge blow, shouting his commonly used attack.

The waves and force he had emitted with a single punch vibrated and radiated into the atmosphere right towards the dummy. On contact, the poor ragged object got torn to pieces. Midoriya didn't seem to show any ounce of mercy for what he had done to the ground and dummy with a single attack.

The wooden floor got torn off, showing the path of the force as the wall where the dummy used to stand now has a dent on it while the ragged, stuffed head rolls on the ground, stopping when it hit Tagiri's shoe.

Uraraka's eyes got fixed towards the green haired male as he bites his lower lip. The indication of pain is shown in that small gesture. Out of instinct, Uraraka jumped off the bleachers and ran towards Midoriya, grabbing him dominant arm. She gasped once she saw how purple and worn off his fist. The same way it is whenever he throws punches ever since she'd known him.

"Deku! Look what you've done! I thought you can control your quirk now?" She scolded, grabbing his injured limb. Midoriya flinches and frowned at his injury. All he could think of now is the physical pain he is feeling and how will he be able to heal that without recovery girl.

"Yeah, I mess up on that one," he admitted and turned to Nekta who gives him a strict look. Her green eyes seems to drill into him and that's a look that is very familiar to him. She knows he's hiding something from him. Not because of her quirk, just because of her sharp intuition on things. It won't be long before she ask him about that.

"Tagiri-sensei! Let Deku go to the infir--"

"No need for that sh*t," a voice said and they all turned to the sourse to see the purple haired alien kid, Hoshi. He wears a blue coat over a plain pink shirt and blue pants with chains and skulls. If hero have costume, they think that this is Hoshi's version of villain costume.

"Tch, too bright!" Todoroki complained, earning an eye roll from Nekta. Hoshi didn't even take that as an insult but defended that he's keeping the alien look.

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