Chapter 67 - The Final Act

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"Katsuki! For the last time! I cannot take you with me! It's now or never!" She argued with Bakugo who is gripping her wrist tightly.Green meeting red ones into a heated staring contest.

"It won't even f*cking work! I'll stay with you even if it's the last thing I goddamn do!" he shot back and Nekta swung her hand to grab his head but Bakugo saw it coming. He grabbed her other wrist and Nekta gritted her teeth together, "Just stop, Nekta!"

"No! I've made a promise to Aniki and I tend to keep it!" She looked down and her hands started glowing red. Bakugo's eyed widened and let go of her wrist, jumping back. She felt her tears flowing down her cheeks but didn't bothered wiping it away.

Under the moonlight, on a balcony of abandoned apartment building, Nekta decided one thing. She will let Bakugo go free. Free from villainy, free from insanity, free from sin and most of all, free from her. But the blond is being stubborn and won't let her take the emphatic parasites off his mind.

He couldn't take her reason. She wanted him to go back to the heroes and make them assume that he is truly brainwashed. She said it was for the best.

"If you continue on with me, you'll be brought to jail. Shoto was already caught. Spinner, Mr Compress and Toga, too! I can't bare getting you behind bars with them!" She continued to argue but Bakugo kept quiet. He walked towards her and leaned down to her face. The scar she acquired from her battle with Iida is very evident on the side of her forehead and the blood is already dry.

Clothes are tattered and now missing a left sleeve. Her pants are cut into shorts and her hair was a mess. But one thing's for sure. He loves her f*cking imperfections.

"I won't be," he said, surprising Nekta at how gentle he said it with his deep voice. She looked into his eyes and noticed the concern in them. She don't know if she's seeing an illusion but she doesn't care. She feels warm and fuzzy inside, knowing he actually cares. Even if it's just the parasites' fault.

"Katsuki...please," she pleaded. A thing she had never done before. She cried and Bakugo put his hand on her cheeks and she held it. She gave his hand a little squeeze, the glow disappearing.

"I f*cking love you, Nekta," it hurts hearing him say that. But she snuggled and smiled.

"This thing between us. What you feel about me, it's all just an illusion. An illusion I brought to myself. You wouldn't be saying that if you were your normal self. The Bakugo Katsuki that's so into becoming the number one hero and not the Bakugo Katsuki who clings on me. Katsuki, I don't need to say it, but I f*cking feel the same way, but knowing that it's all just synthetic hurts me. Please, just...just let me do it."

Bakugo was offended she thinks that this is just a fantasy brought by her quirk. But he can't blame her. She didn't have the control on the side effects of her parasites. She didn't wish to get Bakugo to fall for her. She didn't wish to fall for him either. Seeing her like this just makes him feel guilty.

She's the one with an authentic feelings and she's the one who will carry on the burden. Clicking his tongue, he pulled her against him and she clenched her fists on Bakugo's shirt.

"I'm sorry," saying those words feels so foreign, "but let me have this last night with you. Just one and you can do what you want."

Silence answered him and after a few moments, she could feel Nekta nodding. He led her inside an apartment and saw it completely deserted. However, there is a rack on one side and the bedroom still have it's bed.

He turned to Nekta and was surprised when she started kissing him. He could feel her tears and kissed back so she wouldn't waste her efforts. The kiss turned into a make-out session. One that they usually do secretly sometimes since they got together. But they won't separate with just that.

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