Chapter 35 - Visits

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"What? Visits? This is not a jail, Nekta," Shigaraki said, scratching his neck again as Nekta readies her disguise. Green hair and glasses. A pair of pedal shorts and white three-quarter blouse.

"It's just for the day, Aniki. And besides, I'm going to be with them so they have to answer to me," she said and turned to him, giving out a glare when she saw him scratching his neck that already have rashes, "F*ck sh*t! Take a bath, you idiot!"

"You act like a mom sometimes," Shigaraki stated and removed his father's hand off his face and looked at her, straight in the eye. Nekta studied her known-brother's features as she reminisce the stories behind it.

The scars, dryness and messed up past they somehow share.

"Just stop that, Aniki," she said, shrugging the thoughts of going back to the past away, "We'll be off now."

"Urgh! Just get me something good when you come back," he said as Nekta rolled her eyes. Her older brother really is a man-child.

Nekta went to the living room where she saw the rest of the Marauders ready in their casual clothes and respective disguises. Todoroki with his black wig, white shirt, green jacket and a pair of pants. Midoriya with slick-back (thanks to gel) hair and pairs of shades, black and white striped, three-quartered shirt and a pair of jeans and sneakers. Bakugo with a black hood up, covering his dyed-black hair, a white shirt underneath his sleeveless hoodie and pair of Jagger pants and sneakers.

"You look hot in your get-up, Izuku," Toga said to Midoriya as the boy look at her, indifferently then turned to Uraraka with a grin.

"Do I, Uraraka-chan?" He winked and a visible red tint is seen on the brunette's cheeks and looked away, refusing to say a single comment.

"I love this wig. Don't I look cute, Dabi?" Todoroki asked, grinning wide and Dabi shivered from behind the younger male and walked away, "Hey! Why so cold and serious? I'm just joking. I'm no gay!"

"You should really stop that. It's gross," Spinner commented but the boy only pouted and turned to Bakugo, slinging an arm over him.

"Get off me, half-a**," he growled and pried Todoroki away as the grinning teen pouted.

"I understand, baby! You're loyal to your dear Nekta," Bakugo felt his cheeks heat up and grabbed the latter by his face.

"Shut up, a**hole!"

"Eww. That's so gay, Todoroki-kun," Toga said with an unamuse look and turned to Nekta, "Does those parasites affect one's gender, too?"

"That's an absurd question, Himiko," Nekta said and pulled her hairtie that holds her hair together and let her once braided hair fall to her shoulders.

They all stood in silence as Nekta shakes her head to fix her hair. It looks so wavy due to the continuous braiding Nekta might've done to it. It fell gracefully down to her lower abdominal part and the new look really suits her.

Toga have a blush over her cheeks and ran to hug the older teen with delight.

"I am loving the new look!" She squealed, but Nekta shrugged her off and fixes her fake glasses.

"You all look ready to go. So, are you?" She asked as Todoroki and Midoriya nodded vigorously in excitement.

"Y to the E! To the S! Yes yes yes!" They chanted like cheerleaders and Nekta raised one hand and red lights wrapped around the two's neck.


"Waaah! What's this, senpai?" Midoriya asked, clutching his neck with a 'what-the-hell' look.

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