Chapter 17 - Rushing...

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--A few minutes later--

Todoroki jumped away from the fire infested carnage can. Cause of fire? Dabi's incinerating flames. He covered a part of his body with ice, but every time Dabi's fire comes close, the ice melts.

"Hey hey hey! Chill for a moment, Stitches!" Todoroki laughed, making the floor freeze and Dabi sunk one of his hands inside his pocket.

"Stitches, really?" Dabi said, unamused with the teen's little pet name.

"Hey! Better than being called Five peepee-man," Todoroki pouted and tried to hit Dabi with his flames, only to be stopped and countered by the older fire user.

"Touche," he said, trying to hit him with his flames only to be dodged by Todoroki with all his quick skating.

Todoroki tries really hard to dodge all of Dabi's blue flames. He is smart enough to know that blue flames are stronger and hotter than red flames. So hot that when it burns you, you're not just gonna have a degree burn, you won't have to worry for your future cremation.

"Take it easy on me! I don't wanna die yet, you prick!" he said, bouncing off the wall and landing on the icy ground. He tried freezing some of Dabi's body parts with very thick ice to lessen his movements, but it only melts so he have to move really fast.

"Shigaraki did say to treat this as an actual fight," Dabi said as Todoroki is skating away. For the bicolor haired teen, this only feels like a casual tall between the two of them.

"Oh come on! Let's say we get some chow and just ditch this? The control-freak sibling won't even notice it," Todoroki smiled cheekily and then frowned, cringing, "Eww! That sounds like so gay."

"You do know that Nekta's a psychic, right?" Dabi said with a matter-of-factly tone which made the younger boy pout.

"Argh! You're such a big Joy-Killer! Hehehe! See what I did there?" Todoroki shot flames again and Dabi quickly countered it, despite his other half being frozen.

"Man, you're such a talkative kid," Dabi muttered and Todoroki squatted down on the ground, resting his cheek on his palm.

"Well, tell that to Mr. Emphatic Parasite," he grinned and his eyes widened when he saw Dabi launching an attack to him. He stood up and took a step sidewards towards to right. The flames almost got his left side in the last seconds.

Realizing what just happened, his eyes widened and lost his balance. He dropped on the floor, dumbfounded and clutched his burnt left side of his face. Memories came flashing before him.

The days when he was still with his mother. He was so happy to be with her. She was always so caring and loving. He was so blessed to have her as his mother despite having an abusive father. But she changed, all because of his father leading to her burning his left side.

"Endeavour..." He growled, his eyes showing signs of bloodlust. Dabi heard this and his face went gloomy. He knows that Todoroki would have those times he will have a sudden rush of bloodlust due to his mental stability and he knows that Shigaraki warned him to inform them before anything else happens.

"Todoroki, this is enough. Let's go back," he said with a stern voice and Todoroki turned to him with a wide wild eyes.

"Go back? Why? I'm strong enough to beat you. Come at me, Dabi," he said with a psychotic monotone voice and Dabi cursed under his breath. He knows this isn't gonna end up good.

"Todoroki, I said sto--" before he could finish, He felt something cold pass through him and cut his cheek. His eyes widened and saw the Todoroki was grinning wild and he resembles a mad hungry dog right now.

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