Long forgotten Happiness

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We ended up at a pretty good place to have lunch, after some awkward moments I overcame my uneasiness to eat in front of him. The steak was delicious as was the salad and the drinks. Yomo stick to a cup of coffee while he watched me stuffing my mouth as if I would have to starve after this.

"Hmm! So delicious!" I moaned

"You should have some desert, they have some good things on the menu" he recommended and I immediately eyed the menu card.

"You're right! They have a lot of stuff, damn... what am I supposed to take?" I took my time to read through the entire card until Yomo pointed his finger at something.

"Nama Chocolate... that was the one I was planning to take too, how did you know??" he took a sip from his cup as I placed the menu down and stared at him surprised.

"You were looking at it longer than the other ones." I raised my eyebrow

"Huh? How can you tell? You haven't seen the card..." he took the card and showed me that the menu was written on both sides. Embarrassment washed over me as I failed to notice that myself.

"Ohh... that explains it" a waitress walked by and I ordered the desert.

"Yummyyy!" I moaned satisfied as I placed the spoon in my mouth and let the sweet flavor of chocolate stimulate my taste buds. I once again felt like a little kid but then I noticed Yomo who was sitting on his chair like an ice klutz, and I realized I was being childish again.

"S-Sorry if I go over board... I am just exited to be here, it's been a long time since I last had something this good" I apologized and looked at the plate, my eyes were a little glassy and Yomo noticed my regretful face.

"I did not complain, if that's the case then go ahead and order some more, there are plenty other delicious things" my cheeks blushed

"I did not mean to make you-"

"It's fine, here try this one next it sounds pretty delicious" he held the card in front of my shaking eyes and showed me the next desert I should try.

"F-Fine... if it's really not a problem then I gladly accept your offer" .

3 cups of large coffee for Yomo and countless deserts for me later:

"Damn I'm stuffed!! That was so good my belly is about to explode" I traced my "food pregnant" belly as the waitress brought the bill.

"Here, the rest is for you" he placed the money in the waitresses hand and I quickly took out my wallet to pay my share.

"Keep it, it was my treat" he rejected my money.

"But I ate so much I can't let you pay all of it by yourself!" I pushed the money back towards him but he stopped my hand.

"I said it was fine, place your money back into your wallet" our eyes met and neither of us was about to back down from this "Fight".

"But you already paid for the coffee! Let me at least give you a small share, I feel bad if I don't give you anything!" he pushed the money back to my side.

"No, I said it was fine" I started to get pissed and pushed it towards him again.

"You can't reject if I offer it to you! Just accept it already!" damn we're actually arguing over a bank note...

"I said no!" I clenched my teeth, his eyes were really intimidating and so I gave in.

"Fine! Have it your way then Mr Gentlemen!!" I stuffed the note into my wallet and he gave a triumphing smirk.

Yomo Renji x Reader |Raven|Where stories live. Discover now