What is mine

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I woke up the next morning, snuggled up in Renji's chest. I smiled as I found him still asleep.

"Finally I don't have to hide my feelings any longer" I gently traced my fingers over his cheek and enjoyed the warmth of his skin. He was so beautiful I could stay like this the entire day and watch him.

"You surely like touching me, huh?" I blushed as I found him looking at me with sleepy eyes.

"G-Gomen, I was just..." I looked away to hide the deep blush on my cheeks and removed my fingers.

"I never said I dislike it" he stopped my fingers and placed them back on his cheek. My heart was pounding as he held my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Continue, it feels really nice" he said as he snuggled his face into the pillow and wanted me to continue.

"O-Ok" I replied and continued to trace my fingers over his cheek. He was leaning into my touch like a cat, it made me smile and I could not hold my comment.

"Are you pretending to be a cat?" I chuckled.

"Maybe..." he replied not opening his eyes.

"But why?" I asked curiously.

"Because you like cats don't you?" I hummed and he opened his eyes a little.

"That's why I pretend... because I want you to like me" I blushed and gave him a soft smile.

"But I already like you Renji" his eyes sharpened.

"I know, but I want you to like me more" my eyes widened and I felt a strange feeling in my stomach.

"Y-You want me too... like you more?" I whispered shyly

"Yes, that's what I want" I looked away because my face was so hot.

"B-But shouldn't you already know that I do...? You can hear my heartbeat... whenever I am around you it goes up" I could not look him in the eyes because I felt like a little child who tried to confess to her first love.

"Really? Does it go up? I never noticed it before" I was a little disappointed as he said that but I missed to notice the little smile on the corner of his lips as he said that, clearly just messing with me.

"Oh... well then I managed to hide it better than I thought *hehe*" I tried to play it cool but he enjoyed the expression I had on my face too much to let it end now.

"So... basically you want to tell me that you already like me "more"?" I swallowed nervously and just nodded my head.

"Then prove it" I looked at him with shaking eyes.

"H-How?" he pulled his lips into a little smirk.

"How about a kiss?" my heart basically jumped out of my chest.

"A-A-A kiss?" he nodded.

"Yes, right here" he placed his finger on his lip and I gulped.

"Can you do that?" he asked and all I could do was nod.

"Y-Y-Yes... I think" he shifted to his back to make it easier for me to "kiss" him. I was nervous as I looked at his face and especially at his lips. I was so nervous because I can't remember if I kissed before or not.

"H-Here goes..." I warned him as I slowly placed my hand on his cheek and started to lean down. My hair fell into my face but he gently brushed it behind my ear and let me continue. I slowly started to close my eyes and perked my lips up to prepare them for the impact. Renji smiled as he found me closing my eyes, he could tell so easily how nervous I was. He knew it was enough of a torture for me so he decided to take over. Before I even realized it he cupped my cheek with his larger hand and pulled me towards him, connecting our lips softly. I was trembling a little as I felt his warm and soft lips against mine, it was such a nice feeling. I can't remember how long it lasted because I was so nervous. Renji slowly pulled away and looked into my half lidded eyes.

"Then it's really true that you "love" me?" he whispered I nodded and tried to cool down my blush that was covering my cheeks.

"I-It is... I am in love with you" I finally confessed.

"What a coincidence... I am in love with you too" he whispered the last part before he pulled me down into another kiss. He lifted my body on top of his and wrapped us together, his lips were roughly kissing mine and I felt how the feeling in my stomach increased until it popped. My hands moved on their own and found their way to his hair. I moved my lips in sync with his, only deepening the kiss further. Renji had no intention of letting me go now, his hands roamed my body hungrily. I jumped a little as he gently bit my lip.

"Relax... I'm not going to eat you" he whispered into my ear, making me shiver.

"Even if you did, I don't mind" I replied with an innocent smile, his eyes twitched.

"If you say that it's really hard for me to hold back" he said, tracing my lips with his.

"Please... say it again" I gave him puppy eyes.

"Say what?" he asked confused.

"That you love me" I whispered shyly and a light blushed appeared on his cheeks.

"Alright" he agreed and leaned down to my ear.

"I love you (First name), I have always loved you" a small tear run down my cheek and I could not hold my smile. I pulled his neck gently towards me as I placed another fierce kiss on his lips.

We made out for a long time until his phone interrupted us and guess who ruined the moment again...

"Uta, what's up? I am in the middle of something right now" he answered the phone.

"*Chuckles* Gomen~ did I interrupt you guys again?" he asked, already knowing what we were doing.

"Yeah, that's exactly what you did" he replied and I could hear Uta laughing.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to let you know that Itori is throwing a party for you guys tonight, so better be there ;)" Renji looked at me and let out a sigh.

"Fine... we'll be there" he replied

"Great! See you later Ren-Chan, littly kitty!" Uta hung up the phone and Renji tossed it aside.

"Well looks like we have to leave the house eventually..." he grunted.

"Looks like it..." I traced my finger over his shirt.

"But we still have some time before that..." he whispered.

"Yeah..." he hovered over me.

"Let's just enjoy this a little longer, shall we?" he softly pressed his lips back to mine and we continued were we left off.

"By the way..." I smiled.


"Can I call you Ren-Ren again?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Seriously?" I giggled.

"Why not? Itori and Uta call you Ren-Chan so why can't I give you nick name?" he glared.

"No way!" I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Ok, then I just join the "Ren-Chan" boat as well~" I sang

"*pulls covers over his face* Oh good lord what have you done too me?"

Actually I am going to write 2 more chapters :D


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