Yomo Renji

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I woke up in a comfortable bed, the sheets were really cozy and the scent that was attached to the duvet was very satisfying. For a moment I just nuzzled myself in that duvet and inhaled the scent before my eyes popped open and I sit up my body to look around.

"Where am I?" I uttered as I tried to see something in the dim room. I was not familiar with the place and wondered where I was, I remembered that I was talking with Yomo-san in the park until I felt really sleepy and must have passed out.

"Oh no... I am so stupid how could I have passed out..." I sigh and slowly let go of the duvet to stand up. I took a step forward to look for a clock but I stumbled over something and kissed the floor.

"Ouch..." I whispered as I rubbed my knee.

"What the hell are you doing?" my eyes widened as it recognized the voice.

"Y-Yomo-san?" I saw him lying on the floor next to the couch I was sleeping; his body sits up and stared at me.

"This was his place??"

"Who else did you expect?" he asked as he stood up from the floor and headed over to the light switch to brighten the room. My eyes reacted allergic to the light and I covered my face with my hands.

"It's that late already..." I heard Yomo mumble and I slowly removed my hands. I blushed lightly as I found him dressed in a tight shirt and boxers... then shock was washed over me and I looked down on myself to check what I was wearing. I was wearing a large grey shirt that definitely didn't belong to me... and the worst part was I was not wearing my bra anymore... I shriek and covered my boobs to prevent my nipples to peek through the shirt.

"What the hell happened??? Why is he dressed like that and why am I dressed like that??? Don't tell me we did... no way that can't be true!" he stepped back into the room with 2 cups in his hands.

"What are you still doing on the floor?" he looked at me with a monotone face.

"I... uhhh" I stuttered and had no idea what to say, this situation was so confusing and awkward.

"Get up or you'll catch a cold" he walked over to a table and placed both cups down, his floor was really cold now that he mentioned it. I slowly stood up and walked to the table with my hands still crossed over my chest.

"I added some extra chocolate for you" he pushed the cup over that contained a large hot chocolate.

"T-Thanks..." I stared at the cup and kept my stiff posture until he noticed something was up.

"What's the matter?" he asked, piercing me with his grey eyes.

"I... uhh..." stuttering again...

"Spit it out" my cheeks heated up and I swallowed.

"W-What happened last night...?" he placed his cup down and stared blankly in my eyes for a moment without saying anything. I swallowed again nervously

"W-Where did my clothes go.... And my...my... my bra? Did we... you know..." I blushed like crazy and crossed my arms even tighter around my chest.

"D-Did we have... se-"

"Relax" he cut me off and looked at my red face.

"Nothing happened. After you fell asleep in the park I brought you here to rest and since your clothes were dirty from having the puppy jump at you I dressed you in one of my shirts." His explanation was believable but I still felt embarrassed to imagine he undressed me.

Yomo Renji x Reader |Raven|Where stories live. Discover now