His Smile

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While Yomo was taking his time in the bathroom I fished my phone out of my pocket and noticed I had 7 missed calls and 3 voice messages from my boss.

"Was I supposed to work today? I thought I was off today?" I mumbled and listened to the messages where my boss requested if I could help out tonight. Since I was freeloading here long enough I thought it would be better if I agreed and head out to work. I dialed the phone number of my boss to confirm tonight's shift.

"Thank you for calling back (First name)-Chan! I could really need your help tonight, one of the girls called in sick and I desperately need a replacement, could you come in tonight?" he asked sounding really desperate.

"If that's the case then of course I can help out, I'll be there in a bi-"the phone was ripped out of my hands.

"H-Hey!" I looked at Yomo-san who was standing right behind me with his towel wrapped around his waist and dripping wet hair, despite the fact I was really pissed at him I could not help it but blush at the sight of him.

"Sorry, but (First name) won't be coming in tonight, in fact she won't come in anymore at all. She'll quit the job" my eyes widened and I was speechless, I tried to get my phone back from him but he pushed me away not letting me interrupt his doings.

"What the hell are you doing!!!?" I yelled at him.

"You better look for another waitress because she won't work in that shady club anymore, goodbye" he hung up the phone and placed it on the table.

"I can't believe it! What the fuck was that about?? Why did you tell him I quit the job?? I need that job damn it!!" I was really angry but Yomo's face was monotone as ever and he just glanced at me.

"You won't be working there anymore, it's too shady of a job and too dangerous" my eyes sharpened

"Since when is it up to you to decide that?? I've worked there for months and never had any trouble, so why the fuck now??" he run a hand through his wet grey hair making me blush unintentionally again, I looked away to hide my red cheeks as he turned around and headed towards another door. I followed him, not letting him escape from this argument.

"I just said why I don't want you to work there" his reply just made my blood boil even more, what the hell was he thinking? I've knew him for a day and a half and he already acts like he is my parent or boyfriend.

"That's not a proper reason! I am old enough to decide where I work myself! You are neither my parent nor my boyfriend, there for you have no right to make decisions for me!" he suddenly turned around and pushed me to the wall, immobilizing my body. His eyes pierced mine and made me feel scared.

"I might be neither of them but that does not change the fact I just decided that, and you know what?" he leaned closer to my ear and whispered.

"You will go along with it, are we clear?" he pulled away and looked into my shaking eyes. I could not understand what that was for but he was pretty intimidating and once again I had the feeling if I did not agree he would show me an ugly side of him that I was scared to see.

"A-Alright, I won't be working there anymore" he was satisfied with my answer and slowly released his grip on my wrists.

"It's only for your own good please don't hate me for it" he opened the door that seemed to be his closet.

"I don't hate you... I just don't understand you that's all... Why would you do something like that..." he turned his back to me

"Because you can't protect yourself" once again a confusing reply

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