First Training Day

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I had no other option but to agree to his compromise and moved in the next day. He cleared the container upstairs and placed a futon on the floor for me. It was pretty weird to suddenly have a room mate even though I stayed at his place before; being here permanently was pretty strange.

I woke up on the first official morning in my new "room" and climbed down the ladder to get myself a coffee going before I could start the day. I walked into the kitchen and found Yomo standing at the coffee machine, shirtless and only wearing boxers... my cheeks instantly tinted red and I slapped myself

"Calm down, this won't be the last time you see him like this since you live here now, pull yourself together and get used to it!" I talked to myself and meanwhile Yomo turned around with his coffee cup, staring at my face with a raised eyebrow.

"Morning" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at his face with tense eyes trying not to look elsewhere.

"G-Good morning" I greeted back and hoped he did not notice my nervousness.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked curious as he walked past me.

"Yeah, I did, thank you for the futon it was really comfortable" I said and moved towards the coffee machine to fix myself a wake up drink.

"Good, you will need all the energy today" he said and slurped his coffee. I was glad he accepted my request because without him I could not do a single thing, he was not only strong but also smart and really experienced, I needed his guidance no matter what.

"Y-Yeah, I will give my best" I said and gulped down my espresso.

I changed into some loose training clothes and braided my hair out of my face. He lead me down into the sewer were he usually came to train.

"We train here everyday from now on" he said and placed the towel and water bottle to the side.

"Got it" he grabbed a hair tie and tied his hair to a ponytail.

"He looks really sexy when his hair is tied back..." I thought again as I found myself gazing at his handsome face features.

"Stop it! I need to snap out of it or else I won't be able to concentrate on my training!" I took a deep breath and got ready.

"First we warm up, let's go for a run" he said and I nodded, jogging besides him.

After a successful warmup we started with some basic self defense training, he wanted to see first how flexible and durable I was. My stamina was already at a good level, just needed some slight fixing.

"Try using your legs more, shift your weight when you side step my attack" I hummed and tried to use his tips.

"Good, now concentrate all your strength into your fist and go for my vital points" he instructed me. I tried hitting him really hard but he easily blocked my punch.

"You are too obvious where you're focusing your attacks" he scolded me.

"But you said I should go for your vitals points" he twisted my wrist and I jerked in pain.

"I have more than one vital point in my body you know... the liver isn't the only weakness in a body" I looked away feeling embarrassed that he acted smart again.

"I know that!" I hissed back

"Then try again" he said and got in the start position.

"Fine!" I was nervous how I should overpower him, he was pretty observant and since I was only a beginner my moves were predictable...

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