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"Then... she is still alive?" I asked full of hope but Yomo's expression told me otherwise

"I'm sorry, but she could not last the torture"

"I should have known, her condition was critical after all"

"Thank you for being honest with me..." I said letting my hair fall into my face to avoid him seeing my shattered expression, I needed to be alone now to deal with everything I just heard.

"I hope you aren't angry if I leave now.... I need some time for myself and think about everything... about who I am and what I am supposed to do from now on" my body was weak and shaking, I was living in a delusional world for so long that I had no idea how I should deal with this feeling in my chest. I pushed the chair aside and stood up but my leg got stuck on it and I stumbled. Yomo managed to catch me last second and noticed how I was shaking.

"You are shaking, in this condition I can't let you go" he said and I tried to protest but he was stronger and carried me to his couch.

"You've done enough for me already, I can never pay you back for all that..." I mumbled as I hid my face in my arms.

"I thought I told you that I did it because I wanted too, there is no need for you to feel guilty" even though he said it I was still thinking the other way.

"Why did all of this happen? And why does my head seal away those memories and replace them with new ones that aren't even real?" I whispered.

"Because it's a natural reflex to protect your brain from causing to much damage... if you get in a specific state where you are about to loose your mind because of a trauma then the brain automatically tries to shut down those negative, harming memories and overwrites them with delusional ones, which are the opposite from the negative ones you are experiencing." he was actually quite smart.

"Does that mean I am sick? Or a physic? Because I live in a delusional world?" Yomo could hear my unstable heartbeat pounding in my chest.

"No, you are not a physic and you aren't sick. It's better to make up something which is positive instead of letting the negative memories destroy you" I gripped my shirt tightly

"Did they destroy Mari? Because she could not overwrite those memories like me?" Yomo nodded

"Yes, it caused her illness to worsen... she suffered from terrible nightmares every night, she could not forget about those things that happened to the both of you... and she always blamed herself for not being able to save the other children." My heart was aching; all those burdens were placed on her shoulder which she carried alone while I was playing happy life.

"Yomo-san... please tell me the rest... I want to know about my parents... why Kishou Arima killed them." I felt the couch shifting and looked at Yomo who sit next to me, his eyes were twitching.

"Your parents were owners a bakery which belonged to a famous chain in this city. Your father was managing the paperwork while your mother was purring her soul into the shops and even doing the selling herself. It happened a few months after you disappeared, the shop was stormed by CCG investigators that asked your mother about a specific customer who was seen visiting the shop regularly. Your father was called from the office as the investigators questioned your parents. The specific person was walking in from the back door and your mother called out to him that he should escape, that made her an accomplice and Arima immediately used his quinke to strike her but your father took the blow instead and collided with the floor, bleeding to death. The ghoul tried to rescue your mother but he failed to win against Arima's strength and she was executed before his eyes. After doing some research on the family he came to know that they had a daughter who went missing on the school festival. Currently you are on the wanted list of the CCG, being accused to be the child of a ghoul" I was silent for a moment before I replied.

"So, Arima made contact with me because he thinks I am a ghoul? He killed my parents without even confirming if they were humans or not?" Yomo hummed

"Yes..." I started feeling how my blood was boiling up, what was wrong with this world?? Why did they have to die without a proper reason, because they were protecting a ghoul? I jumped up from his couch.

"What's with this world?? I don't understand what's supposed to be right or wrong! People's lives are taken so easily without a proper reason... everyone just runs around killing who they feel like... so many innocent lives were taken, while I am just sitting around doing absolutely nothing!" I looked at Yomo with shaking eyes

"Please... I beg off you... help me... help me get stronger... I can't sit around like this not being able to do anything at all..." Yomo looked at my pleading eyes.

"You are only a human, there is nothing you can do to stop this war between humans and ghouls." he replied in a cold voice. I stepped towards him and griped his collar pulling his face closer to mine.

"So what if I am weak! I am fully aware of it! I have no super human strength nor do I have a kagune! But there is something even I can do! I am not useless! I want to be able to protect what I have left in this world, the people that I met so far... I don't want to lose them.... Because if I do.... I don't know what will happen to me... so please... I am begging you with everything I have... please help me to get stronger!" my eyes were shaking and teary but yet so serious that it send chills down his spine, he never saw those eyes before and it left him shivering. He slowly placed his hands on mine that were practically ruining his shirt and agreed to my request.

"I accept your request" my eyes softened and I released his shirt, fondling with the fabric to straighten all the knitters I caused.

"But only on one condition" I swallowed nervously.

"What is that condition?"

"You move in with me, starting today."



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