Something of Need

841 37 2

"The results are magnificent, I've never seen something like this before"

"Her body is unique, being able to resist such a high dosage"

"We should take this to the next level doctor; we still have the option to use a much higher dosage"

"Won't that be too much? She just underwent an injection this morning"

"So far she managed to deal with it just fine, let's give her a higher dosage and see what happens"

"What if the experiment fails?"

"Then I take full responsibility for it"

"Doctor Kanou, are you 100% sure that she can handle it? She is just a kid after all"

"We don't know if we don't try, now get the injection ready"

"Yes sir!"


"Tie her down! Restrain her movements!"

"We are trying sir! But she won't calm down!"

"Give her a higher dosage of the sleep medicine and restrain her!"

"Y-Yes sir!"


"She finally calmed down, now let's get to work"

"Here is the injection doctor"

"Transfer it slowly so her body can adjust"

"What do we do if she still does not show the required results?"

"Then we're going over to the last option and transplanting the kakuhou into her body"

"Yes sir!"


"hahaha! Splendid! Just splendid! Her body is magnificent! After taking such a high dosage she still manages to refuse the change! Whatever it is that suppreses that modification inside of her I want it!"

"Doctor Kanou, what are you planning to do with her?"

"Let's go over to the last option and transplant the kakuhou into her body, I am itching to find out if she can resist a direct change within her body"

"Alright, we schedule the operation 1 week from now"

"Good, meanwhile monitor her if any chances appear during that time"

"Yes sir!"

"Not long now my dear... you will soon see the world through different eyes *whispers* the eyes of a monster that is".


"(First name)!!! wake up!" I woke up from a terrible nightmare with Yomo shaking my shoulders.

"Y-Yomo-san..." I mumbled as I found him kneeling over me with a concerned expression, his eyes were shaking.

"Are you alright? I could hear your screaming all the way outside" he asked piercing my eyes.

"Y-You did? I am sorry... I did not even realize I was screaming..." he slowly let go off my shoulders and took a seat in front of me.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he asked.

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