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I was on my way back to the container with mixed feelings, I was nervous to see Renji after our little fight earlier. I jogged down the road when I noticed a woman who dropped her shopping bag. I headed towards her and helped her collect the items.

"Let me help you!" I offered and gathered the groceries.

"Thank you dear, you are a big help" she thanked and took the bag I handed her.

"It's self-evident" I smiled and showed her my face, her expression suddenly changed.

"I-Is that you Lenn-Chan?" she suddenly asked.

"Excuse me, I think you have the wrong person" I replied but she was persistent.

"No, I am sure you are Lenn-Chan, don't you remember me? I am Nao Misao, your neighbor" she introduced herself and my eyes widened, I had no memories of her.

"I am really sorry but I don't remember you" I replied and looked at her disappointed face.

"What happened to you? Did you have an accident Lenn-Chan?" she asked with big eyes.

"I... well..." she raised her hand and placed it on my chin.

"You really are her, you even have the scar on you chin" she traced her finger over it and I stepped back.

"What are you talking about?" she smiled lightly.

"When you were a child you always used to come over to my place and play with my cat, you really loved her and were so sad when she died." My eyes widened.

"The first time you tried to lift her she scratched you, that's were you got that scar from" my eyes started shaking, her story sounded really familiar.

"It's been so many years since I last saw you, tell me, are you still living with Hikari and Renji?" my heartbeat increased as she suddenly mentioned their names.

"Y-You know Renji?" I asked confused.

"Yes, you were living with him and Hikari in the apartment next door. Hikari took you in after your parents abandoned you" I was shocked and unable to keep a normal face.

"W-What? I don't understand..." she looked confused at me.

"You were so sad back then and always hide yourself behind Renji, holding his hand tightly" I took another step back.

"That can't be... why didn't he tell me..." I mumbled

"He really acted your like big brother, it was so cute to watch whenever you two were together" I suddenly started running, I wanted to go back as fast as I possibly could run.

"Uhh Lenn-Chan?" the woman called after me but I ignored her and continued running. I needed to know the real story... I slowly recalled the words Itori said; that some lies were necessary... was everything he told me about my family a lie?


I reached the container and started banging on the door as loud as I could, he finally opened up and I looked at him with painful eyes.

"Where have you been? Didn't I tell you to go home right away? It's past midnight (First name)!" he glared at me and I took a step forward, my eyes still looked at him painfully. I lifted my hand and opened my palm to show him the hair clip.

"Shouldn't you call me Lenn instead?" I asked in a sad voice, his eyes widened in shock as he saw the hair clip in my hand.

"H-How do you..." he looked away from me.

Yomo Renji x Reader |Raven|Where stories live. Discover now