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"H-He is dead? But how? What happened?" I looked shocked at Uta.

"It's still unclear how exactly he died, I just got the news myself from the customer I delivered the mask" he said placing his sunglasses on the table.

"I can't believe it..." I uttered and sit down on the chair with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry, I know how important it was for you to learn the truth about your parents" Uta apologized.

"It's ok... there is still one more person who can tell me..." I replied and suddenly Yomo's expression changed.

"You still want to risk it just to find out the rest of the story?" he stared at me with a glare in his eyes.

"What else should I do? He is the only person who knows, I can't just let it be! It's not just because of me, Mari and my parents died! I swore to myself to not let their deaths be in vane!" Yomo grinded his teeth and raised his voice to my surprise.

"AND THEN WHAT? What happens after you learn the truth from him? What will you do? What will change for you?" Uta was silent; he just looked at me and Yomo without interfering in the conversation.

"I don't know... I don't know what I will do after I know, I can only say that once that moment occurs" he took a step closer to me and stared in my eyes with a cold expression that let my heart ache.

"You are willing to sacrifice your own life just to learn something that lies in the past? Haven't you suffered enough pain already?" my eyes widened.

"You should think about it, once you know, nothing will be the same anymore" he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You won't be able to smile so truthfully like before" his words were bitter but it was hard to admit that they were true.

"Trust me, it's better if some things stay unknown... they will only make you unhappy" he removed his hand and turned away.

"You should treasure the life you have now and stop digging up the past, because it's better that way... that you don't remember it" he headed to he backside, ending the conversation just like that. Uta looked at me and apologized for him before he followed him to the backside. I felt strange after that conversation, his words sounded angry yet concerned. I always had the impression that he actually was on my side and shared the feelings I had towards my past. But as it turned out he was just putting up a face and acting as if he did. Deep inside he seemed to hate the fact that I was interested to learn about my past. I shook my head and tried to clear my mind. I needed air and picked up my jacked to head out. I started running down the road, looking up into the sky. It was a clear night and I could see the stars shinning down on the city as I jogged through the streets. I stopped at a play ground and took a seat on a swing. I thought about the things he said and the face he had while he was talking. He never seemed so angry, it really concerned me why he was so against it that I regained my memories. I played with the sand beneath my feet and kicked it around until suddenly my hair clip fell down to the ground. I bend down and picked it up, cleaning it from the dirt.

"*Cries* Ren-Ren"

"What is it?"

"*Snifs* I lost my hair pin"

"*Sighs* Again?"

"*Nods* Yes... it's gone"

"You're a real handful...."

"*Whimpers* s-sorry to be a burden"

"Stop crying already, here your hair pin, you lost it in the sand over there"

"*face lids up* You found it! T-Thank you Ren-Ren!! *hugs*"

"Alright alright! Just let me go already!"

"I promise I will never loose it ever again! *smiles*"

My eyes went blank after I had this strange flashback in my head, I could not see the face clearly but the voice... it reminded me of someone. I looked at the hair clip and realized that the paint was already falling off, actually the entire clip looked really old and rusty.

"That hair clip... since when do I have it? And who gave it to me? I can't remember since when I am wearing it" I kept staring at the clip a second longer when suddenly I remember something. Where I've seen it before. I jumped up from the swing and started running towards that place. Shortly after I left the park it started raining (to make the situation more dramatic). A good 30 minutes later I reached the place and knocked on the door.

"Sorry but we are closed toda-"

"I'm really sorry to show up this late... but there is something I have confirm" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Would you let me inside Itori-san?" she stepped aside and opened the door for me.

"Sure! You are all soaked let me get you a towel!" I followed her inside and she looked for a towel.

"Here you go sweetheart!" I took it and dried my hair.

"Thank you very much" she smiled lightly and offered me a seat.

"Why are you out in the rain? Don't tell me you had a fight Ren-Chan?" I gave her a faint smile

"It wasn't a fight... more like a lecture from his side..." she offered me a drink to warm myself up.

"I'm sorry, Ren-Chan can be really complicated sometimes" I shook my head.

"No he was right... I just realized it... he is only concerned about me" she took a seat next to me.

"Really? I can hardly imagine that he can show his soft side... since I've never seen it" I took a sip from the hot drink she made me.

"All this time he was just trying to protect me and I failed to notice it... even though I can't remember anything from my past I still have this feeling that I am closer to it than I ever thought" I opened my palm and looked at the hair clip I carried.

"Huh? A hair clip?" she raised her eyebrow.

"It's not just a hair clip... it's a memory I carried around with me for so long without even noticing it" she still did not get it. I stood up from my seat and walked over to the picture wall she had in the bar. I found the photo I saw before and slowly took it down.

"The hair clip in this photo, is the same one as in my hand" I said turning around to look at Itori. She suddenly smiled warmly and rested her chin on the back of her hand.

"So you finally remembered huh?" I shook my head.

"No, but I am sure that it was Renji who gave this hair clip to me when I was still a child"

"What makes you think that?"

"I promise that I won't lose it ever again!"

"Because I made a promise to him back then... and he reminded me of that promise back at the hospital when I dropped my bag in the corridor and spread my stuff around. He bend down to help me pick it up, back then he placed the clip in my bag and let me carry it with me ever since. When I found it, I started using it for my hair without even noticing it's importance... it was just a hair item I used daily that had no special meaning." I stood up from her chair and walked over to me, she took the clip from my hand and placed it in my hair.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember anything else, that one memory is enough to let your heart decide if it's real or not" she let go off my hair and took a step back.

"I wish I could tell you but that is not my task to do, all I can say is that the feeling you have inside here is all that counts" she placed her hand above my heart and smiled.

"You must understand... some things were necessary lies but please, let him explain why." I nodded

"Thank you, Itori-san"


Yomo Renji x Reader |Raven|Where stories live. Discover now