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I entered the sanctuary with a bucket of flowers for my parents and Mari. It's been a while since I came to visit, basically beacuse I was busy with my training. I placed the flowers on the grave and took a seat on the ground, hugging my knees.

"Mom, dad, Mari... sorry that I haven't visited you for so long, I asked Yomo-san to train me and believe it or not... I actually turned out to be of use" I smiled shyly as I told my family what was currently going on in my life.

"Yomo-san is really strickt and bossy but thanks to that I managed to complete his training... finally I can proceed with my goal..." I looked over to my parents.

"Mom, dad, I am really sorry that I don't remember anything from the time we spend together... but no matter what I heard, I know that you loved me very much... and I love you too" my eyes moved to Mari.

"Mari... you risked your own life to save mine and for that I am in your debt forever. We may not be sisters by blood but to me you mean the world, I learned so many things from you and experienced happiness... I can not say how lucky I am to have known such a great person like you" my eyes were watery but I continued to speak.

"I promise that I will stop Kanou from continuing his experimentations ... and the CCG... I won't let your deaths be in vane." I stood up from the ground and took my leave, my heart felt lighter after I talked with my family.


"2 vanilla ice creams with strawberry topping please!" Shiho ordered at the restaurant we met after I left the grave.

"Since when do you like vanilla?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Since... now?" she replied giving me a smirk.

"How come?" I crossed my arms and waited for her to spill the beans.

"Ok, ok! there is this cute guy I am going out with and he is totally into vanilla stuff... so I thought I try it out too until I come to like it..." she replied and I let out a sigh.

"Really? you are doing this because of a guy?" her face got all fluffy and red as she thought about the guy.

"He is so worth it!! look how cute he is!!" she showed me a picture of the guy but I stayed uninpressed.

"So... why are you doing this again?" her mood dropped as she placed her phone away.

"Really? you don't feel anything when you look at a hottie like that?" she growled.

"Should I?" I replied.

"YES YOU SHOUULLLDDD, JUST LOOK HOW HOT HE IS!!" I placed my face on the table and kissed the wooden plate.

"Is that the reason why you called me out here today?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Well...." I let out another sigh.

"I should have known when you squeal in the phone last night..." she played with her finger tips innocently.

"Come on (First name), you can't tell me that you never have been in love with someone" she rested her elbows on the table and stared at my downed head.

"I haven't" I replied annoyed.

"Really? not even a crush?" I shook my head.

"Nope" she let out a sigh and then the waitress walked over with our dessert in her hands.

"Here is your order, enjoy!" she smiled as she placed the plates in front of us and I was forced to remove my miserable face from the wooden plate.

"Thank you very much" I said and picked up the spoon.

"You are pretty green for a girl your age..." Shiho said as she watched me stuffing a large portion of ice cream into my mouth.

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