Chapter 1

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Tris POV

Oh God...I just found out that I'll be attending a new high school once our family moves...again. I'm almost sure we've been to like 10 different schools in the last year. It drives me and my brother, Caleb, crazy.

The reason we move so much is because my father works in the government here in Chicago. My mother is a volunteer, she loves to help people.

My parents told Caleb and I that this would most likely be the last time we move, thank God, so we should look around the neighborhood and make some friends before school starts. So, once we were settled in our new house, Caleb and I go and look for new friends. We decided to go to this restaurant not to far from our house, I believe its called Dauntless Diner but who cares because I ended up making a bunch of new friends. It all came about like this:

I walked up to a group of people who looked about my age, I was nervous as all hell so my words came out a bit shakey as I said, "Uh...hi...I'm Tris and I'm new around here." They all looked up at me and smiled, ahhh, thank God they don't think I'm weird or anythinf. A dark skinned girl, who I have come to know as Christina spoke first, "Oh hi! I'm Christina!" I smile and then a tall boy with goldish blonde hair spoke up, "Hi, I'm Will." I smile again as everyone else introduces themselves as Uriah, Marlene, Zeke, and Shauna. The last person to speak is a tall boy with beautiful stormy blue eyes, "Hi, I'm Four," he says and gestures for me to sit down next to him. Once I sit I get bombarded with questions, "So, Tris, where'd you move from?" asks Christina who is sitting across from me at the booth. "Uh...I've moved all around Chicago, actually, my family and I have moved about 10 times just this year." I say and Four gives me a look, "Wow, that's a lot of moving, does that mean that you've been to like 10 different schools too?" He asks. I nod, "It's been hard, but yeah." He nods. "So Tris you got a boyfriend?" Uriah asks and wiggles his eyebrows. I laugh a bit and shake my head, "Nope. Don't really have timr for one because we've always been moving." Uriah nods wnd pats Four on the back, "Well then you and Four can date!" I smile a bit and look down as Four punches Uriah in the arm. Four turns to me and whispers, "You'll have to excuse Uriah over here because he loves to say the most random things." I smile and look up and get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. Then I hear Uriah snapping and saying, "Tris, Four, snapout of it!" We both blush and Uriah smirks, "I bet you guys that they'll be dating by the end of the summer!" Zeke smirks and screams, "You're on!" I roll my eyes and look in front of me to see Christina and Will sucking face and I turn to Four, "Do they do that a lot?" He nods, "Yeah, you see everyones dating someone except you, me, Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn." "Who's Lynn?" I ask. "Oh that's Shauna's sister, she couldn't come tonight." I nod and try not to look at the two couples kissing in front of me, "Well I should probably get walking, considering it's almost dark," I say as I get up. Everyone says, "Nice to meet you!" Except Four. He gets up after me, "Hey, I can drive you home, If you want..." He scratches the back of his neck. I smile, "Thanks, I'd like that."

He shows me to his car and we both hop in. I give him directions to my house. "Whoa." He says. "What?" I ask and raise an eyebrow. "We're neighbors," he says, "I live in the house right next to yours." he gestures to his house. I smile, "Well then I guess I'll be seeing you around," I say as he pulls up to my house, "Thanks for the ride!" He smiles, "No problem, its kinda on my way," we both laugh and I get out and walk to my door and go inside. I think I have a new crush.

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