The Best Nurse (Request Chapter #17)

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A/N- Hi guys! Like usual here's the next chapter that I hope you enjoy; this is officially the first chapter of my second Alphonse Elric x Reader oneshot book since I felt the first was getting a bit too long. This is another request chapter sent to me by @claudethefox56 , but I feel like there's not really any need for a synopsis of what it's about given the title lol. So thank you @claudethefox56 for your request, and LETS GO!! :)

F/S = Favorite Soup

Third Person P.O.V

(Y/N) laid on her bed and sneezed for what she felt like had been the 1,000th time in the past five minutes. Sighing as she reached for another tissue, she tried to count up how long she had been in this condition.

"Ugh, if I've really been sick that long that's more days than I have..-(achoo!)...ugh fingers.." (Y/N) said to herself before she blew her stuffed up nose.

If I've been like this for almost two weeks, at least that means this cold should be over soon.. I hope

(Y/N) snuffed her nose again and reached for another tissue, but her hand was immediately met with the bottom of the box.
"(Sniff) empty, great. I think that's the second box just this morning," (Y/N) said in a frustrated tone. If there was one thing she absolutely despised, it was definitely being sick. And especially, being sick all alone. (Y/N)'s parents had advised her to stay in bed as much as she could so she could rest, and also so she wouldn't get other people sick. And while (Y/N) agreed that this was probably best for her and everyone else, she couldn't deny that she was bored out of her mind.

"Not only do I feel horrible, but I have to be bored and lonely on top of that. I need to remind myself from now on to never.get.sick.a-(achoo!)...again."

As if in cue, (Y/N) heard a gentle knock on her bedroom door just as she was about to read another chapter of her new book.

"Uh, come in?" (Y/N) said in a slightly confused tone.
It shouldn't be her mother because she had literally just been to her room to give her a snack, and it couldn't be her father because he was at work.
But her door suddenly opened and revealed the sweet, adorable suit of armor that was the dearest person in her whole world.

(Y/N) couldn't help but blush at the unexpected surprise guest.

"A-Alphonse?", (Y/N) asked as her blush deepened. She noticed that Alphonse was about to turn his helmet in her direction, so she immediately put her head down and acted like she was reading her book. For Alphonse, it was a good thing she didn't noticed he could still tell she was blushing, even with her face to her book.

To him, little moments like this only made (Y/N) more adorable to him.

"Hi (Y/N), your mother let me in."

Alphonse then walked over to (Y/N)'s bed and pulled up one of her chairs to sit in.
(Y/N) glanced her (e/c) eyes from her book to see that Alphonse had brought something that looked much like a picnic basket with him and had set it down beside the chair.

"O-Oh, I almost forgot. I-I know I haven't been by to visit you much since you got sick, a-and I'm very sorry about that, b-but Brother and I have been very busy with trying to find the Philosopher's Stone. S-So I brought some food with me from Winry and Pinako that they thought might make you feel better..", Alphonse stutteringly said while reaching into the large basket. (Y/N) smiled warmly while she watched a bright red hue coat Alphonse's helmet as he looked through the basket.
Though they had been close friends for a very long time, now even after they had officially become a couple both of them were still a little nervous and awkward when they were alone together. This was especially true for Alphonse even more than (Y/N), but with moments like this, for her it was all right. It was Alphonse being himself.

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