Quite the Charmer (Request Chapter #25 Part 7)

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(Y/N) P.O.V

As I finally made my way outside of Headquarters, I zipped up my black hoodie and kept my hands in the pockets. It was a lot colder outside than it had been in the building.

"You'd think with being like you I wouldn't get as cold huh girl ?" I asked to Ada with a chuckle, my pet still draped over my shoulders.
Ada raised up her snout and bumped it against the side of my cheek, making me chuckle.

"We're going to see him ok? I'm going to tell Al even if it hurts.....(sigh) it's probably definitely gonna hurt.." I sighed, a light blush coating my cheeks.

I thought I'd be more excited to finally explain to Alphonse exactly how I feel about him, but as I made the walk down the cobblestone paths of Central, the reality that he probably won't feel that way kept pounding in my head more and more. But I wasn't backing out now, because I knew if I didn't tell him now I might never do it. Part of me was going to do it because I felt Alphonse had a right to know, but mostly I was doing it for me. I was trying to prepare myself to move on if we just stayed friends.

In a few minutes I was near the building where Ed and Al were staying. A chill ran up my spine,but I don't think it was because of the night air.
"Guess this shortcut paid off," I said to myself.

'Keep going , you can do this (Y/N).'

I was standing in the alleyway that I had cut through and about to keep walking when I heard two pairs of footsteps behind me.
An uneasy feeling immediately fell over me, my eyes sharp and more narrow as I focused on how to defend myself if I had to. When I turned around in the dark alley, I could see the two men making their way towards me. They hadn't noticed I was there yet, and their laughter gave away that they were drunk even if I hadn't seen the big bottle of alcohol one of them was carrying.
But when they stepped into the light of a street lamp, I could see who they were. I knew right then this could only be nothing but trouble.

'Why do I have to run into these guys now?! It's like the universe hates me or something..' I asked in my head as I stood even more rigid than before when they made eye contact with me. They were the same two soldiers we had run into at Headquarters a few months ago.

They're drunk smiles immediately vanished when they saw me, the one holding the bottle taking a sip before wiping the side of his mouth of some booze.
'These guys seriously give the military a bad name.'

The man holding the bottle of alcohol had broad shoulders and light brown hair, his eyes the same matching color. The other one was a little heavy but had a stocky build, he had dark brown hair and green eyes. Both seemed to be in their late twenties or possibly early thirties, and just because they were getting drunk didn't mean they might not still be a problem for me. It was still two grown men against one of me if they decided to try something.

"Well well well , what do we have here? If it isn't the brat that can't resist running her mouth," the light-haired man slurred handing his friend the bottle.

I could smell the scent of booze even from where I was standing , partly thanks to my chimera abilities. I needed to try and diffuse the situation so I could get out of here without making a scene.

"Look guys , I'm not looking for trouble alright ? You clearly don't like me , but if you haven't noticed I clearly don't care. Besides you're both drunk and need to go sleep it off, and I don't think your higher - ups would appreciate you walking around acting like idiots," I said trying to reason with them. But considering they'd already downed over half of the large bottle it was probably pointless.

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