I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Request Chapter #22 Part 3)

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A/N- Hi everyone. Like always here's the next chapter that I hope you enjoy. I don't really have anything else so let's just get into this. Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Song used - "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing " by Aerosmith (guitar cover)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After Winry helped me out of the bath, she led me to my guest room. She then helped me change from my bath towels and into some more comfortable and dry clothes, and I just sat on the bed while she comed through my (h/c) hair.

"Wiiinry, I can do it by myself you know," I whined as she kept brushing through my hair.

I heard her chuckle as she parted the one combed side of my head and began working on the other.

"I know I know, but it's just that there's never really another girl around here that much. Since you left with Ed and Al, we haven't gotten to spend any girl-time together," Winry explained as she finished brushing my hair.

I heard her place the brush on a nightstand beside the bed while I began bringing my knees up closer to my chest. When she'd mentioned the name "Al", the scene of what had happened not so long ago started playing in my head.

Winry must have picked up on it because I felt the bed shift to where she sat in front of me now, reaching out to place a hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N), Al doesn't hate you you know. He could never hate you, especially when it was an accident," She said as I propped my chin on my knees.

The blush creeping on my face was unavoidable now the more we talked about it, and my heartbeat kept increasing dramatically. I still almost couldn't believe it.

Alphonse, had seen me naked.
Alphonse. Saw me. Naked.

I groaned and hid my head behind my legs, the blush going over my whole face.

"I know, but that doesn't change the fact that it was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Right now I feel like moving to another country and changing my name. I-I mean he saw everything...." I mumbled from behind my legs.

I felt Winry pat my shoulder before she brought her arms around me in a hug, the bed slightly creaking as she moved closer.
"I know it's unbelievably awkward, but Alphonse doesn't think any less of you because of what happened. You were tired from the bath and just forgot he was even in there, that's all it was. Besides, like I said it might not have been the worst accident Al's ever experienced...I mean he is a guy after all," Winry added smugly at the end.

I gasped and shoved at her shoulder when she said that, me hearing her laugh as I shook my blood red face harshly.
"I-I'm going to try and forget you ever said that..." I stuttered out.

I could almost picture Winry smiling and wiggling her eyebrows in my head when she spoke, the facial expression completely laced in her voice.

"What? You mean the part about how Al probably thought you were..-"

"In the process of trying to forget here! " I exclaimed hoping she would stop what she was insinuating.

She laughed at me and I felt her lie down on the bed, her clearly enjoying my reaction.
Eventually her laughter died down and I heard her sit back up, now only a few of her chuckles filled the room.

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