The Girl From The North (Request Chapter #20 Part 10)

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A/n- hi guys. Like usual here's the next chapter I hope you enjoy, as well as the next part to this mini series. Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Song used : Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST 2- Nightmares

Alphonse Elric P.O.V.

".....It's always nice to see a familiar face.."

My eyes widened as I looked from Henry Gent up to (Y/N) on the rooftop. I saw how she couldn't seem to look away from the man, and her eyes showed absolute fear in them. If all of the shooting and fighting hadn't been stopped, I would've been worried for her standing out in the open on the roof...but now I was worried for a whole other reason.

Why does he say he knows (Y/N)?

The alchemist kept looking at (Y/N) smiling as he reached an arm out to her.
"(Y/N), it's truly a pleasure once again to see you. I see these past four years have done you well," he said.

I gripped my gloved fists at the way he was talking to her. He talked like he was an old family friend instead of a rebel leader. His friendly tone didn't sit right with me, it was as if he was saying it in a mocking way.

Even from where other soldiers, Brother, and I were on the ground, I could tell she was trembling a little. (Y/N) was scared of this man. She was scared and there was almost  nothing I could do for her right now but watch.

" do you know who I am?" (Y/N) asked. She never looked away from Henry, not even while she was slightly shaking. Even when she is scared, (Y/N) (L/N) is still one of the strongest people I've ever met.

I look over at Henry as he chuckles at (Y/N)'s question and puts his arm down.
"(Chuckle), (Y/N) my dear...I know you aren't that forgetful. Don't you remember? I and an acquaintance of mine visited you and your parents one night."

If I had my body right now, I know a chill would be running up my spine. For the first time in a long time, I feel filled with nothing but anger.

It's him. He was there when (Y/N)'s parents were murdered.

There's a pause of silence before (Y/N) yells.
I immediately jerk my helmet up as I hear (Y/N) cry out in pain and hold her head with both hands. She kneels on her knees on the roof and cries out in more pain and fear. It's like she's seeing something the rest of us can't, almost like she's remembering everything about her childhood all at once and it's overwhelming her. Seeing Henry Gent again after all of these years must be triggering something in her mind and releasing her memories...all of them, including the worst night of her life. Her mind  repressed that memory of her parents along with most of her other memories as a child in order for her to cope, and now he was making it all come back.

"(Y/N)!" I yell as I begin running to the building where she is.

She's still yelling completely terrified at what she's seeing and tears are streaming down her cheeks at the memory.
"Al!" I hear Brother yell from the ground. But I can't  stop. All I want is to get up there and hold her...I just want to make this all go away.

"I'm sorry boy, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

I'm halfway to the building's ladder that leads to the roof before the same red light that has Brother still on the ground stops me in place.
I manage to resist some of the force enough to move my helmet to the side, where I can see Henry's Philosopher's Stone ring keeping me and Brother in place at the same time.

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