Quite the Charmer (Request Chapter #25 Part 4)

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Third Person P.O.V

On the way to Colonel Mustang's office, Ed suddenly stopped walking when we saw a teenage girl make eye contact with him. She had long blonde hair and dark blue eyes, and she started glaring at Ed as she reached for something behind her.

Alphonse and I stood by and watched as Ed began slowly putting his hands up and trying to back away slowly.
"N-Now Winry I can explain! You always get mad when I make a scene a-are you sure you really want to-"

Ed didn't get to finish as the girl called Winry through...a wrench? The tool went right in the center of his forehead, sending him lying flat in the floor.

"Winry" stood there smirking over him twirling the wrench in her hand like an expert, satisfied as she watched Ed groan in pain as he sat up.
"Yes Edward, I think I'm sure."

I leaned closer to Alphonse and whispered quietly to him, making sure neither of the now arguing blondes could hear me.
"So I take it you two know her? " I asked watching them argue in the hall.

Alphonse leaned his helmet down to be closer to my ear, my cheeks almost doing that annoying thing again with how close he was. Seriously I barely know him what the crap is wrong with me?

"You could say that, Brother and I grew up with her. Winry Rockbell is like family."

In fear my willpower would lose and I'd start blushing again I just nodded and leaned away from him. Only I looked and saw Winry grab Ed's ear making him groan and frown at her in an annoyed way.

"Seriously Ed you are ridiculous sometimes! I'm supposed to be your mechanic, yet when you know it's time for another repair you can't even take the time to call me! I know you're busy, but honestly how hard is it to make a quick phone call and let me know instead of me tracking you down?!" Winry lamented in an irritated way.

Edward just seemed done with the entire situation, but I noticed he kept letting her talk and didn't say anything. These two had to be very close to let her do that, especially with someone like Edward Elric.

"Sooo she's his girlfriend right? That's why they 'fight' like this on a regular basis?" I asked Alphonse curiously.

He turned his helmet down toward me and looked at my (e/c) eyes with his glowing ones. I wonder how that works? Alphonse chuckles before he replies.

"Well not exactly, but she might as well be. To me I think she's belonged to Brother for a while, but with Brother being....well himself, he just expects her to already know that somehow; Now we're all just waiting for him to actually say it, including Winry," Al explained with a tone that sounded like teasing.

I just chuckled at it and kept watching them, Winry seeming to end her little rant by now.
"I like it...they're cute."

I think Winry and Ed heard me say that cause both blushed and glanced away from the other. Winry must have been more embarrassed because she coughed and looked down twiddling with her wrench.

"E-Excuse me , I'm sorry about that. It's just that when Ed does this stuff I get...well I think you just saw what I get like I guess," Winry explained with a smile.

I watched her reach her hand out to shake mine, so I gave her a small smile back and shook her hand with mine.
"My name's Winry, Winry Rockbell. I don't know who you are but it's nice to meet you anyway ," the blonde said cheerfully.

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