Quite the Charmer (Request Chapter #25 Part 5)

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Third Person P.O.V

The blonde soldier came walking towards us from a pair of closed wooden doors, leading most likely to someone's office. She looked stern, but at the same time I could sense a kindness in her eyes as she greeted us.

"Edward, Alphonse, it's a pleasure to see you again."
The lieutenant paused as she glanced over at me and smiled warmly, confirming the feeling I already had around her.

"And I'm guessing you must be what all the commotion around town has been about, I am lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, it's a pleasure to meet you as well," she said as she extended out her hand.

I blinked my (e/c) eyes in surprise, but I reached my hand out to meet hers.
"I know she's not blind, so....i-is she really not going to even mention that I have a snake around my shoulders?" I thought to myself.

But my question was answered as she smiled at Ada still wrapped snugly around me. Riza didn't say anything to Ada, but her smile was enough for me to know that she wasn't bothered by her.

"The colonel is ready to see you now," Riza stated as she lead us to the two wooden doors.
I watched Edward as he shoved his hands in his coat pockets, and he narrowed his eyes like he really didn't want to be here anymore. I chose not to say anything, because when Riza began opening the door I figured I'd have my answer soon enough.

"Colonel Mustang, the Elric brothers are here to document their report sir," The lieutenant said as she saluted the black haired man sitting at a desk.

The man known as Colonel Mustang smiled at Riza.
"Thank you lieutenant."

"Edward, Alphonse, have a seat," Mustang said motioning to the couch and chair in the middle of the office.
He then almost forgot I was standing with them too, before he glanced over and me and smirked at me.
"And of course the lady is welcome to sit as well, I guess you must be the cause of the snake issu-"

We all watched as the colonel cut himself off mid-sentence and seemed to be surprised. It only took us all a few seconds to realize he was staring at Ada, and all of our heads turned from him to look at her.

"Sir? Are you alright?" Riza asked as she walked over to Mustang.
The colonel still looked hesitant, but he responded back after he swallowed a lump in his throat.
"Y-Yes I'm fine lieutenant why do you ask?" Mustang asked never taking his eyes off of Ada.

"...Because I can see your leg shaking under the table sir."

Mustang's eyes widened and he turned to the blonde, probably embarrassed that she noticed.
"M-My leg is not shaking because of the snake lieutenant-!"

"I didn't say that sir-"

"Well I want to state  for the record that I am not afraid of a snake-"

"Again sir no one said that but you-"

"The shaking is just part of a nervous condition sometimes I get very stressed lieutenant! Stressed but never scared!-"

"Colonel I really think you should stop yelling."

Colonel Mustang stopped talking and looked over at the three of us, like he forgot we were still there.
He blinked twice and coughed, and I thought I noticed a little blush on his cheeks. I just hope for his sake that no one else saw it.

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