The Girl From The North (Request Chapter #20 Part 9)

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A/N- Hi everyone. Like always here's the next chapter I hope you enjoy. I'm not sure yet how long this series will be, but I feel a conclusion might be coming soon but like I said I'm not sure. Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Music used- Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST 2- "Entr'acte"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Alphonse sat with me on the roof for a few more minutes before leaving to aid the soldiers and his brother. I found my eyes following him as he went down on ground level to use his alchemy.
He and Edward nodded to each other before clapping their hands together forming a wall in front of a few soldiers, getting them away from gunfire. This gave them enough opportunity to reload on ammo and resume fighting on an equal playing field. The sudden sound of more gunshots made me snap my attention away from the brothers and I reloaded my silenced rifle before taking another shot.

It seemed that, for the time being,  the fight was in our favor. We had more soldiers either unharmed or alive than the rebels, Major Armstrong's division having taken out the most. I had been able to gather a decent amount of head-shots by now, but I felt I had stayed in one position long enough and decided to move.

As I slowly and quietly moved my rifle strap onto my shoulder and I cautiously began to move off the roof to another position, everything went quiet again. I paused moving off the roof and looked around at my surroundings.  For some reason, this stillness was different than anything I had experienced. It felt as if the entire village was nothing but pure silence. The rebels had stopped firing and lowered their weapons, our soldiers doing the same. I looked down over the side of the roof to see the at the Elric brothers had stopped using their alchemy as well, realizing what was happening.

"What the hell is going on here? Why did they stop firing?", I heard Major Armstrong ask herself down below. I was able to hear her clearly despite the distance since the complete silence was still happening.

I turned my attention back down to Alphonse as he spoke.
"Brother, I don't like this. Something definitely isn't right.." Alphonse said.

I saw Edward nod his head in response, keeping his gaze straight foreword.
"Yeah, I know Al. I don't know what's going on here, but I know it can't be good with  these bastards," Edward muttered lowly.

I immediately turned my head to the direction of the rebels as they stood at attention and raised one hand to their foreheads in a salute. Moments later, the heavy crunching of footsteps could be heard slowly getting closer. The Elric brothers, along with Major Armstrong and the remaining soldiers, all resumed a defensive position ready to fight. I subconsciously put a hand on my rifle as I kept my gaze in the direction of the footsteps.

The sound of crunching snow under boot-covered feet kept coming closer in our direction until they finally stopped.  My eyes widened as my head suddenly flooded with memories I felt I had never seen before. For some reason, as I looked at the figure that the footsteps belonged to, my knees began to shake and I gripped my rifle in nothing but one thing.


This man was Henry Gent.

The memories became more vivid the longer I stared at him. I dropped my head down but I kept my eyes straight open as I moved my free hand to grasp my forehead. In the memories I could see two figures, but it wasn't clear enough to where I could see their faces clearly. I could only make out the outline of their bodies and their voices so I could tell one was male and the other was female. Their voices sounded so desperate and frantic, as if they were trying to tell me something. Suddenly the memories stopped as Henry spoke.

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