The Girl From The North (Request Chapter #20 Part 1)

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A/N- Hey guys! Like usual here's the next chapter that I hope you enjoy; This is another request chapter sent to me by  @JWanderley761,so thank you very much for another great idea

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A/N- Hey guys! Like usual here's the next chapter that I hope you enjoy; This is another request chapter sent to me by  @JWanderley761,so thank you very much for another great idea. Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Song Requested: "Angel With a Shotgun" - The Cab

Third Person P.O.V

"Make sure you close the door boys," Colonel Mustang said, not looking up from his paperwork on his desk.

Edward made a face at the colonel and rolled his eyes, reaching for the door while Alphonse walked to take a seat.

"(Sigh) yeah yeah I know, now why'd you want to see us again?" Edward asked taking a seat on the large office couch next to Alphonse.

Mustang looked up from his the papers and smirked at the Fullmetal alchemist.
"Right Fullmetal. I called you and Alphonse in here today because you've been requested to help the army with a urgent assignment."

The Colonel stood up from his desk and walked over to where the brothers were sitting; He then stopped in front of the coffee table and dropped a file on it, watching Edward pick it up.
Ed looked up from the file at the Colonel in slight confusion.

"I'm guessing this is that 'urgent assignment' you were talking about?" Edward asked letting Alphonse look at the file.

"That's right; it's a report on a rogue alchemist named Henry Gent; The military's investigations have confirmed that he's the one who's been leading the revolts in the North. He's been recruiting more government terrorists to follow him with his view of a world controlled by alchemy instead of the military itself," Mustang explained as Alphonse handed him back the report.

Edward leaned farther back in the sofa and crossed his arms.
"So we're taking a trip up to the North right? All that snow included?"  Ed asked shivering already at the thought of the cold.
Mustang chuckled as he headed back to his seat, placing his hands on the desktop.

"Yeah sorry the snow has to be added in right now. We're just the army Fullmetal, we unfortunately can't control the weather," Roy joked smirking again.

Edward stood up from the sofa and folded his arms as he shifted in an embarrassed way.
"Yeah I knew that! You don't have to explain absolutely everything to me ya know.." Edward mumbled angrily.

"(Chuckle) you know, he's technically right Brother," Alphonse added from the couch.

"See? Alphonse understands," Mustang commented as he gestured to Alphonse.
Edward was about to argue with the Colonel, but before he opened his mouth there was a knock at the door.

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