Quite the Charmer (Request Chapter #25 Part 3)

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A/n - Hi guys, here is the next chapter that I hope you all enjoy; Also this is the first chapter where I am going to experiment with NOT typing this in the center of the screen for once like I've done since seemingly the dawn of time 😂. Well then, LETS GO!!

Third Person P.O.V

"So this is the place huh? Where all the important things go down," (Y/N) said as she gazed up at the large building known as Central Headquarters.

Even though it was still in the early hours of the morning, the lights around the place still made it a place worth taking note of.

"Yeah, this is Central Headquarters. But trust me if you have to see this place on a regular basis like me and Al you get sick of it sometimes..." Edward replied trailing off in thought annoyed.
Alphonse knew his older brother was thinking of Colonel Mustang and he no doubt dreaded having to report to him so early in the hours of the next day.

Alphonse turned and look down at (Y/N) and Ada, the white snake still contently resting on her shoulders. His glowing eyes narrowed as if he would be smiling when he spoke to her.
"Brother doesn't really get along with Colonel Mustang sometimes...the Flame Alchemist I was telling you about. But it's nothing serious really," He said reassuringly.

(Y/N) blinked twice and looked over at Ed who seemed to have a dark aura of unspoken anger around him as they walked to the building.
"Really? Cause he makes it sound like the two of them have been mortal enemies since the beginning of time," (Y/N) said and Alphonse looked over at his brother too.

Rethinking what he'd said earlier, Alphonse shook his helmet and looked down.
"...I-I really can't argue with that."

Upon entering Headquarters, Ed, Al and (Y/N) noticed the weird looks that some of the soldiers were giving them; Ed and Al knew immediately what they were staring at, some in surprise and amazement, but most in just pure confusion or disgust, but chose not to say it since (Y/N) saw them too.

"I don't know why some of them are so freaked out. I mean, she's just a snake it's not like they haven't seen one before. Soldiers have seen a lot worse than a snake..." (Y/N) commented seriously as she pet Ada on her head soothingly.
Ada simply lay there on her shoulders, her tongue poking in and out in a rhythm.

"Hey, I thought there was a policy about having animals in here. Especially if its something that needs to be in the woods where it belongs," A soldier remarked as the three approached them with a couple of other men with him. The three snickered and smirked at (Y/N) and especially Ada, who turned her head and looked at them with her blue eyes.

(Y/N) gripped her hands beside her, the knuckles turning white at the rude comments. Couldn't they just keep their opinions to themselves instead of trying to make a scene?

"Don't listen to them and just keep walking. They're just wanting to start something, but it won't look good for you if you get in trouble," Edward advised as the three of them got closer to the group of soldiers.

(Y/N) narrowed her (e/c) eyes in anger but she still nodded her head. She knew Edward was right, but that didn't make it easy for her.
"Yeah..I know, but that doesn't mean I still don't want to kick their asses," (Y/N) muttered so the men hopefully wouldn't hear.

(Y/N)'s tight grip on her palms decreased dramatically when she felt Alphonse place a gloved hand on her shoulder, part of his thumb touching her black hoodie along with Ada's white scales.
(Y/N)'s head stayed down as Alphonse spoke softly to her, a light pink hue almost very noticeable on her (s/c) cheeks.

"Brother's right (Y/N), lets just walk past them and that will be the end of it," he said comfortingly. Before meeting these two brothers, (Y/N) couldn't remember the last time people had been so kind.

"Yeah they must've crawled out of the same sewer together!" One of the men snickered.

Just as they were about to pass the men, the main one said something (Y/N) couldn't let slide.
"I mean, if I wanted to see one of those things along with another freak on two legs, I'd just pay admission."

In the blink of an eye, (Y/N) had moved over to the soldier and pressed him against the wall behind him, her eyes glaring at him with a rage that was something she didn't show often. Some of her teeth began growing longer into snake fangs as she spoke menacingly at the man.

"Listen, I think for you and your friends' sakes I'm going to stop you right there. This isn't worth breaking your arm over even though I really want to, and I've got somewhere to be so I'll cut this short. Say what you want about me, but this 'things' name is Ada.." (Y/N) trailed off dragging her nails up the side of the man's face, her eyes beginning to glow a lighter shade of (e/c).
"She's my pet and my friend, so keep your mouth shut in case you want me to slice it open. I can also kick you in the teeth but why should I improve your looks?" (Y/N) asked with a smile as her eyes went back to normal along with her teeth and she backed off the man.

The other two soldiers had already swiftly walked down the hallway abandoning their friend, while he slowly backed off the wall and straightened up his uniform. He scoffed and glared at (Y/N) as she turned and walked with the Elric brothers. Ed and Al didn't say anything as they walked to where the Colonel's office was; There wasn't much to say, they agreed silently that the man deserved it.

"...Cocky little brat.." The soldier muttered.

The End of Part 3
A/n- hi again guys, I thought I'd make this chapter a bit longer, but I figured this would be a good stopping point. This has been the next chapter that I hope you all enjoyed reading and I hope it didn't feel rushed. You can expect more of this request to be continued in part 4 and at the moment I'm not sure how long this will be. Also I wanted to let you all know that March 1st is my birthday (18 and I thought it would never come) so I probably won't be updating next weekend. Well then, guess that's all for now, so thank you all so much for reading this, I hope you all continue with me into part 4, I hope you all have a safe and great rest of the weekend, and I'll see all of my lovely Readers in the next chapter !! BUH-BYE!!!! 😎👋
- Sarah

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