"B-But...B-But How?!" (Request Chapter #24)

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A/n- Hi guys. I know it's been a little while since I last announced that I was taking a break from writing, but for now I'm back to write another chapter for you guys. I don't know how often I'll be writing but I will explain that more at the end of the chapter. Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Song requested - "One Last Breath" by Creed

[Reader and Alphonse are 20 or 21 years old]

Third Person P.O.V

"Are you sure there's enough time? I-I mean not that I don't want to I just thought you'd be tired from traveling and-"

"I'm never too tired to spend time with you
(Y/N)" , Alphonse interjected with a smile.

(Y/N) stopped her nervous rambling and blushed at her husband. The young woman couldn't help but smile at Alphonse as she felt her heart warm at his words. If they hadn't been best friends for most of their lives, she knew her life wouldn't have been as wonderful without him in it.
When they were teenagers, (Y/N) never dreamed that Alphonse returned her romantic feelings, let alone that they would end up being married just a few short years later...and those few short years had felt like a wonderful dream that she never wanted to wake up from.

"(Sigh), well, I think this looks like a great spot; A nice view don't you think (Y/N)?" Alphonse asked as he turned back to his wife.

The blonde Alchemist had brought a small picnic basket, a lantern for light, and a blanket for the two of them to sit on on a small hillside.
From the view, almost all of Amestris could be seen, at least the countryside that seemed to stretch on forever.

But when Alphonse looked back, he noticed
(Y/N)'s attention was more focused on him instead of the nighttime view. He chuckled as he took in (Y/N)'s loving smile, and at the fact that she still hadn't noticed she was staring at him.

"You know, it's not really polite to stare," Alphonse teased with a smirk at (Y/N).

His statement finally snapped (Y/N) out of her trance and she blushed profusely, one hand fumbling with the fabric of her long, white strapped dress while she used the other to rub her shoulder.

(Y/N) had always thought that Alphonse looked handsome in whatever he chose to wear, but she couldn't help but admire him whenever he wore her favorite outfit- a plain, orange short-sleeved shirt and denim jeans. Alphonse may have thought that the attire looked simple, but to (Y/N) he could make anything look nice.

"S-Sorry...I guess it's just that I haven't seen you in a while s-so.." (Y/N) muttered with her head down in hope of hiding her blush.

Alphonse could only smile at (Y/N) on the outside ,while on the inside, she was making his heart do things he didn't know was possible. He guessed his heart just couldn't help it because he found her even more beautiful when she was nervous and flustered, especially that he was the one making her that way.

Alphonse walked over to her and took her smaller hand in his and raised it to his lips, watching her cheeks somehow get even darker along with his own.

"You don't have to apologize...I actually love it when you're like that...and I love you," He said as his own words made him flustered along with his wife.
(Y/N) felt like passing out then and there while Alphonse's gentle tug led her towards the blanket to sit.

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