The Girl From The North (Request Chapter #20 Part 5)

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A/n- Hi guys; like usual here's the next chapter that I hope you enjoy. And like before I still hope that you all are enjoying this series. I've been asked to just turn this request into a stand alone story, but since I started it in this book I might just finish it here ya know? (Thanks tho!) well then, LETS GO!! :)

P.s most of this part will be backstory about
(Y/N)'s past. Enjoy!

Alphonse's P.O.V.


"Can you tell me about your mother?"

I was surprised at first. Why did (Y/N) want to know about my mother? The way she looked when she asked that, she seemed she was a little confused about what the word meant.

"Y-You...want to know about my mother?" I asked. I wasn't offended because she asked , I was just surprised that she would ask something like that.

(Y/N) looked at me and nodded her head as she fixed her hands in her lap.

"Yes, if you don't mind. I've heard of you and your brother at the different places I've been stationed, and I know about why the two of you have been traveling around all this time."

My eyes widened at her statement. I guess there was no hiding it, now that she's already heard the truth.
I bent my helmet down slightly as I spoke.
"..So you already know all about us huh? Why I really wear this armor..and about..."

I trailed off and gripped my gloved hands. I wasn't angry with (Y/N), I guess I was more angry with myself for what had happened to Brother and I.

"Yes I do. You don't have to talk about that, the only thing I don't know is what your mother was like...Trisha was her name right?", (Y/N) asked curiously.
The way she looked at me, she seemed so interested.

It was so adorable to me that I couldn't stop from blushing pink. She might be a sniper, but she's still a girl...a-a very pretty girl.

I would've smiled if I could and I nodded my head.

"Y-Yeah, her name was Trisha."

It was nice having someone to talk to.


We went on for almost an hour as I told her about mom. Since (Y/N) already knew about the transmutation and about us seeing Truth, I made sure to focus on all the good memories of our mother. I told her about how kind and thoughtful she was, and how she always tried to see good in people. She made sure that we had a normal childhood, and she always listened when Brother and I showed her alchemy. To me, she was the best mother anyone could have.

By the time I had finished, I noticed the moon above us had risen a little higher in the sky.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry I guess I went on a little longer than I thought," I said  rubbing my shoulder sheepishly.

(Y/N) had been sitting in the same position the whole time I had talked. She just sat there, her body completely facing me, with her entire attention focused on me. She seemed so interested in what I was saying even if I couldn't read her expression. She didn't look blank, she just looked so calm.
She shook her head at me, then returned her eyes back to looking at mine.

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