The Girl From The North (Request Chapter #20 Part 8)

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A/n- Hi guys, like usual here's the next chapter I hope you all enjoy. And As usual I hope you're all enjoying this series too. Well then, LETS GO!! :)

Third Person P.O.V

Muffled noise. For a few moments that seemed to last forever, all (Y/N) could hear was muffled sound and voices.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) we can't stay here we need to move!"

(Y/N) could tell the voice belonged to Edward, urging the three of them to get to a better location to help fight, but she couldn't move. She just stared at Alphonse even as he cautiously got up and put his helmet back on.

"Crap! How are they already here?!" A solider yelled in the midst of shooting.
"(Huff) I don't know! But right now that isn't important! What is is that we fend them off and stay-"


"Jones!? Jones!"

All (Y/N) could do was stare at Alphonse in the midst of all the shooting and death of soldiers and rebels alike. For some reason, watching an enemy rebel shoot off Alphonse's helmet had left her in  a completely frozen state. She could only sit behind the concrete wall, clutching her rifle as if her life depended on it, and have her (e/c) eyes  glued to Alphonse's form.

(Y/N) couldn't understand it. She knew Alphonse was perfectly fine. He was hollow inside the armor, so there was no way the bullet had hurt him....or...


(Y/N) snapped out of her trance like state when she saw and felt Alphonse shaking her shoulders violently.
She stared into his glowing orbs as he stayed grasped onto the sides of her shoulders, gripping her harshly because of nerves.

"(Y/N) we have to leave the roof! Brother already went on to help some of the soldiers and we need to go too so we can get a better-"

Alphonse suddenly stopped talking and  pushed (Y/N) closer to the concrete railing, bringing his body over her to shield her from gunfire.

(Y/N) had never found herself in a state like this in her life. All she was ever concerned with was perfecting her sniper abilities as well as her combat training. All she really remembered was the military and fighting....and killing men.

But right then, staring up at Alphonse's glowing eyes as he was shielding her as his metal arms were wrapped tightly around her body, she was concentrated on something else for once. Another person. She was told by many others mostly those of higher rank like Major Tom, that she was ice cold. She wasn't a normal person. All she knew how to do was kill in battle. That's all she knew how to do, she had always been sure of that. So why can't she stop thinking of Alphonse? Why does he want to protect her? And why does she not mind it? Why does part of her want it?

Especially when she's not supposed to have feelings like others. She isn't supposed to feel this warm.

When the shooting at them stopped and the gunman had turned on to someone else, Alphonse slowly looked up over the railing to be sure, moving slightly away from
(Y/N)'s body.

He turned back quickly to (Y/N) and looked her over, his hands now  on her shoulders instead of her waist.
"(Y/N) are you ok? You aren't hurt are you?" Alphonse asked concerned. (Y/N) never thought she'd be in the position for someone to worry about her.

(Y/N) just stared at Alphonse. She couldn't find words. Whenever a superior spoke to her or asked her a question she was always ready to answer in respect, but for the first time she couldn't answer. All she did was shake her head 'no' and continue looking up at  him.

Alphonse paused and noticed the way she looked at him for a minute before he brought himself back to reality.
"W-Well that's good. We need to move now though (Y/N) it's not safe here. I don't know much about military tactics but I know it isn't good to stay in one place for too long right?" Alphonse said bringing (Y/N) to her feet with him. (Y/N) took one last look into Alphonse's glowing orbs before she nodded and brought herself back.

She moved her rifle from her shoulder to a position to be used and made sure it was loaded.

She glanced around to get better with their surroundings before choosing a good place to go.
She moved her finger and pointed to the right of the village.
"It sounds like most of the gunfire and shouting is in that direction. And I am guessing Edward is there as well if that's the case. I suggest we go that way and I get to a high enough point to use my rifle properly," (Y/N) said.
Alphonse nodded his helmet.
"That sounds like a good idea. Hopefully Brother hasn't done all of the fighting for us yet before we get there to help," Alphonse said trying to amuse the conversation if only a little.
(Y/N) nodded back silently and began moving in a fast pace in the direction of the chaos. Alphonse followed close behind, making sure to stay close to (Y/N) should she need protecting.

When they arrived at the scene, Alphonse almost gasped at the carnage. Soldiers killing rebels, rebels killing soldiers, blood of both sides was spilling over the pure white snow of the village. Civilians had cleared the streets and hidden in their homes, but some lay dead mixed with military bodies as well. Alphonse even spotted a child's toy laying not too far from its owner, on the ground. He had to turn his helmet, knowing all too well what had happened.

"No one is safe during wars and battles, even innocent people who had nothing to do with the conflict," (Y/N) said, staring down at the toy and child.

Alphonse looked over at (Y/N) and nodded grimly, knowing what she was saying was true. When they'd moved to a safer position more above the fighting and (Y/N) was able to get clear visuals for shots, Alphonse watched (Y/N) intently. He just watched her adjust her scope making it the sharpest quality to get the clearest shots.

"W-Won't they here the gunshot when you shoot?" Alphonse asked sitting out of site next to (Y/N). (Y/N) looked through the scope and pulled the trigger, shooting a rebel straight in the center of his forehead.
"They shouldn't. My sniper rifle is equipped with a silencer so the noise is greatly muffled. It has proven to be useful in allowing me to be closer to fights," (Y/N) explained, cocking the rifle again before taking another shot.

Alphonse just watched (Y/N) as she took headshot after headshot, glancing to see Edward using alchemy to defend soldiers who needed assistance.
Alphonse stayed silent for a few moments before speaking.

"....Does it ever get easier? What you do?.." Alphonse asked. (Y/N) reloaded the rifle before she looked back at Alphonse.

"What I do, being a sniper for the military, it is what it is. Even though I have been in the military since I was ten years old, I don't think I have been involved enough yet to fully answer your for now," (Y/N) paused looking through the scope before taking another rebel headshot.

"....No, no I don't think it does."

To Be Continued in Part 9

A/n- hi everyone! Sorry if this chapter was a little short, but I hope you all enjoyed nonetheless. I also hope you all are enjoying how this series is going and if so let me know, even if you aren't liking it. either way feedback always helps and I always appreciate it, positive or negative.  Also I've been getting requests still and I will do them whenever this series is finished. Well then, guess that's all for now, so thank you all so much for reading this, next part will be out Monday if nothing happens, I hope you all have a safe, great next of the week, and I'll see all of my lovely Readers in the next chapter!! BUH-BYE!!!! 😎👋
- Sarah

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