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The door of the Stilinski household swung open, smashing against the wall. In walked Stiles lugging 2 suitcases and wearing a massive grin on his face.
"Honey I'm hoomeee!" He yelled mockingly at his best friend who sat waiting at the kitchen table.

Scott McCall jumped up at the sound of the door clattering and instantly made his way over to Stiles. Scott hasn't seen his best friend in months after Stiles left to go to an FBI school.

"Stiles you're finally back!" Scott exclaimed, embracing him, "I missed you man."
"Yeah yeah." Said Stiles, returning the embrace, "Good to see you too."

They chattered for a bit, catching up on all they had missed but Stiles thought the atmosphere in the room seemed... wrong somehow.

Stiles pulled back from Scott and looked around his old house. Everything looked the same but just a bit more empty.
The 2 suitcases lay forgotten by the door.
"So where's my dad and everyone else then?" Stiles asked, turning back to Scott. "I was expecting a welcome party!"

Stiles grinned again and punched Scott playfully in the shoulder but then realised that Scotts happy mood had dropped.
Stiles started to sense the emergency in the household and possibly realised why there was no one here.
"Scott." Stiles grabbed his best friend by the shoulders and looked into his eyes. "What happened to everyone else?"
A sense of urgency started to creep into his voice.
Scott shook his head and then looked up at Stiles. His eyes were completely black and Stiles jumped away in horror.
"Scott!" He yelled, walking further and further away from that thing. Plants and dressers toppled as the world suddenly seemed to spin.

The black eyed Scott disappeared from his view and suddenly Stiles was on an empty street.
As he looked around, he realised he knew this street. It was where Chris Argent's apartment had been before he left.
But something was wrong. The streets were completely deserted and the buildings looked derelict. Like they had been abandoned for decades.

Stiles started to walk up the abandoned street, looking back over his shoulder as he went.

Where was he?

Suddenly a clicking noise infront of Stiles started up. It got louder and louder but echoed so it was impossible to see where it came from.

Stiles started to speed up his walk, faster and faster before it turned into a flat out run. The clicking noise stayed with him, getting louder and louder until Stiles collapsed to the floor clutching his ears.

The clicking noise turned into Lydias screams. The sound vibrated through his head until Stiles started to scream, feeling like his head was going to explode from sheer pressure.

But it suddenly stopped and Stiles slowly opened his eyes to find that he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by his friends, only that they weren't his friends.
They had completely black eyes and looked disfigured. Stiles slowly stood up, due to the ferocious headache that was forming but his FBI training allowed his to see everything.

The creatures that looked like his friends but weren't, followed his every move as he stood up slowly.

One that looked like Malia snapped at him, she only had one arm and long werewolf canines. A broken crown stood atop her forehead. Stiles had no idea what that meant.

His legs started to shake as he realised he had absolutely no idea what was going on. The creatures had trapped him in a full circle and were snarling. They never moved though.

Stiles slowly turned around and saw Scott, Lydia, Chris Argent, Ducalian and many more of his friends.
Stiles spun back to ducalian. He was dead. Ducalian had died at Monroes hands but there he stood, growling.

Then the highpitched clicking came back and the creatures pounced at him before Stiles could register what was going on.


Stiles awoke panicked. He was breathing fast and his clothes stuck to him with sweat.
The light beside him was turned on and Stiles lay back in bed, panting.

It was just a dream. There were no black eyes monster versions of his friends. It was all a dream.
Just... a dream.

Stiles stared up at the ceiling. The dreams had stopped for a while. Why were they coming back now?

He heard his roommate moving around outside and the door to his room slid open.
Outside was a sleepy Joshua, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
Joshua was a werewolf and was also at the FBI school with him.

He had short curly back hair and fair skin with a small nose. Josh's eyes were a startling green, bright enough to rival Lydias. He looked delicate but his looks were really deceiving.

Stiles had nearly seen him rip apart a hunter. One Monroe sent after him but instead they called Scott so he could take the captured hunter back to Beacon Hills for interrogation.

Josh knew everything he had done and was basically one of the pack, even though he had never fought with them as a group.
"Wasswrong?" Josh sleeping asked.
"Just a nightmare." Said Stiles and waved him off. Josh was too tired to think so he just nodded and stumbled back to his room.

Stiles switched off the light and quickly fell into an uneasy slumber. He was going to see his friends tommorow and spend a week with them but that dream didnt stop haunting him.

No one noticed the black ring of ash around Stiles sleeping form and when he woke up,
it was gone.

Yass first chapter finished!!
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