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Scott paced the animal clinic floors as Deaton was hunched over Isaac. Malia sat in the waiting chairs, with Stiles, Lydia and Allison waiting with her.

"Is he going to be Ok?" Asked Malia, "Tell me he is."

"He'll be just fine Malia." Deaton straightened up, "He might be asleep for a couple of days while he heals but he will be completely fine in the end. His healing abilities take time to use against the weapons of darkness."

Scott stopped pacing infront of Malia.
"Now you know he's going to be alright, can you please tell us what happened?"

"Liam, Peter and Parrish." She said quietly. "We had just got out the taxi at Beacon Hills and they were suddenly infront of us. They acted a bit strange but normal enough so that we thought nothing of it. That was until they suddenly turned around and their eyes were completely black. "

Stiles sucked in a breath.
"It's coming true. I saw Peter and Liam in the crowd around me but not Parrish." Stiles said.

"About Parrish." Malia continued, "We fought them and tendrils of black came out their hands and struck Isaacs leg, making it useless. But Parrish wasn't fighting. He was in the corner, bashing his head with his hands. One second, his eyes were normal and the next they were black. It was like he was fighting it."

Scott and Stiles had told Malia everything that was going on and in return she told them about the reason they came back.

"Parrish could be saved." Lydia said, tilting her head to the side in a thoughtful gesture. "We could protect the town. "

"With this and what Void showed me." Scott began, "I think we could trap Parrish."


It was a cold and misty night. Stiles and Scott sat huddled in his jeep next to the side of where Chris Argents flat used to be.

"Are you sure this will work?" asked Stiles, "I'm freezing!" He sat with the baseball bat clutched between his stiff fingers. They couldn't turn the car on for heating or it would give away the fact they were there.

"It has to." Scott replied, staring vacantly at where the trap lay.

"I know but we dont lay traps! We hunt, save and kill. We don't do traps!"

"Have faith."

Stiles muttered something under his breath, probably insulting him, Scott guessed.
He gave a dry chuckle but didn't move his eyes from the trap they had layed.

The ground had Isaac and Malias scent all over it, so it was no doubt that someone would come here. Scott hoped it would be Parrish but they didn't know yet.

The quarter moon was high in the sky when something finally happened. Parrish strolled out into the middle of where they had laid the trap, but nothing happened.

"What the..." Stiles whispered, forehead creased. "Why isn't it working?"

"I guess if weight dosent trigger it, we are going to have to do this the manual way." Scott whispered back and leaned over to press a button that was in his supplies.

A hissing noise returned and the darkness that was Parrish, titled his head up and vanished into thin air, just before the wolfsbane net could fall on him.

Stiles threw his hands up.
"They can vanish! What!"
"Void said they couldn't unless they were summoned." Replied Scott.
"Well sorry to break it to you but I think void might have lied to you."

Stiles had just finished speaking when a massive bang echoed from the roof of the jeep. Stiles and Scott quieted immediately and stayed still until they knew what it was.

Suddenly hands were smashed onto the wind-screen, dirt covered hands on fire. It was Parrish on the roof of their car.

"DRIVE SCOTT!" Stiles yelled and the car lurched forward. Scott zoomed down the street, shaking back and forward to try and send Parrish off. It didn't work. His hands stayed gripped in the place between the windshield and the car roof.

The night was misty, so when a stag bolted into the road Scott didn't have time to break, even with the headlights. The car veered off into the trees.


Lydia tossed and turned in her bed, unable to escape the feeling something really bad was going to happen. If she was human, she would've just dismissed it as nothing but she was a banshee.

Slowly Lydia fell into an uneasy sleep, but that was when the dreams struck.
Just flashes, like burning hands, Chris Argents apartment, a broken car window and a trail of blood.

It was 3am when Lydia awoke with a gasp. She panted heavily and then wasted no time, sprinted out the door and started to head to Dereks place in her car.

Something was going to go terribly wrong tonight and Lydia hoped she could save the boys before it was too late.
They couldn't survive with Scott or Stiles.


The bat was wrenched from Stiles's hands and thrown through the broken window. Glass rained down on them and they were jolted around as the car rolled over. Scott vaguely remembered Stiles screaming before something hit him on the head and he blacked out.


The moon was still high in the sky when Scott awoke, illuminating the haunting trees around him. Scott groaned as he tried to lift his head to see what was going on.

He realised he had been thrown through the windshield, and lay a few metres away from the wreckage that was once a car.

He couldn't see Stiles anywhere and Scott definately couldn't stand. He felt his bones knitting back together in his legs but it would be while before he could do anything. But right now his priority was Stiles.

Scott was just about to switch to his werewolf form when a glowing fire came around the side of the totalled car.
Scott squinted, trying to see properly through the haze of a concussion. His eyesight suddenly cleared and he realised it was Parrish.

And he had a broken Stiles in his arms.

"Stiles." Scott whispered, pointing a feeble, shaking hand in the direction of Parrish. Parrish saw him and shook his head, as if trying to convince himself that Scott was an enemy.

"Parrish." Scott tried one last time to reach the real Parrish but it was too late. His soulless black eyes seemed to swallow Scott up and then he suddenly disappeared with Stiles.

Scott summoned the last of his strength to howl. It was a howl filled with anger, pain, guilt and a hopelessness . It was an attempt for someone to find him. To save Stiles.

Scott twisted his head around and found he was in the shadow of the ruined Hale mansion. He started to laugh quietly, blood bubbling from his mouth and the cut on his head.

Where all the killing started,
was where Death made an entrance to take his prized prey.

Scott was still laughing as a razor sharp pain flooded through his head and he blacked out again.

I'm sorry guys but it had to be done :(

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