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Lydia had been puzzling over the book for days now but there was still no sign of Isaac or Malia. Scott really hoped they were still alive.
He was sitting in Derek's place, Ethan and Jackson had been forced to return to London because hunters were stirring up trouble in their absence.

The group was depleting day by day, everyone worn out because of possessed Parrish. He wouldn't stop spouting death threats at anyone he saw. The animal clinic had been shut for days and Scott had the feeling Deaton was going to kick them out soon.

Everything was resting on Malia and Isaac. Suddenly a gasp rose from outside the huge metal door in Derek's loft. In the next second, Josh came hurtling through. He held a letter and Scott could see it was from the FBI school.
"They want me to go back or I'll loose my place!" He told Scott, "And there's one for Stiles too!"
"You have to go then." Scott replied, standing up to read the letter, "Make up some excuse about why Stiles can't come back, but we can't have both of you loose your places."

"They want me back by tomorrow." Josh said, just as Derek entered the room.
"What's going on?" He asked, instantly seeing Josh's stricken face.
"They want Josh and Stiles back." Scott replied, "By tommorow."

"You're going to have to go. Derek said. He was back to his normal  in-different self but it seemed he was even more reclusive now. It was at rare occasions that Scott saw emotion in his eyes. It worried him.

"Im going to..." Josh started but Scotts loud ring tone stopped him. Scott fumbled with his phone, honed werewolf senses forgotten, and finally anwsered it. It was Isaac.

"Isaac!" Scott said surprised into the phone. He noted Josh look at him in surprise and Derek's head snapped up.
"We got the sword." Came the reply down the phone.
"Thank God!" Scott replied, giving a thumbs up to Derek and Josh, alerting them that they had the sword. "What happened to you guys?"
Scott put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear what Isaac was saying.

"Well we were almost haunted in the catacombs, nearly killed in a wolfsbane gas chamber and a ghost girl gave up her after-life to save Malia, but yeah nothing dangerous." Isaacs voice echoed through the room, dripping with sarcasm.
"Wow." Scott said, "Can you get back here as soon as possible?"

"We can try but Scott?"
"How the hell are we going to get a freaking sword through airport security!?"
"Um." Scott replied, "You're were-creatures, you can figure it out."

Isaac started ranting at them through the phone about how impossibly tight the security was until Scott hung up on him. Isaac would be pissed when he got back but Scott had bigger problems.

"Derek can you drive Josh to the school tomorrow seeing as the jeep is destroyed?" Scott asked Derek.
Derek nodded and Josh walked off in the direction of his room, supposedly to get his stuff together.

Scott walked out of Derek's loft without another word. Nothing more had to be said.


Isaac and Malia were back in Beacon Hills the following day. They went directly to Derek's loft where Derek called Scott.
"Hi." Was Isaac's reaction to Scott when he arrived, "I'd like to see you try and get a freaking sword through airport security."
Scott broke out into a grin and hugged Isaac, then Malia.

"Glad you two are back alive." He said.
"Scott, me and Josh have gotta go if I want to get there and back before nightfall." Derek interrupted, holding a suitcase in one hand. Scott assumed it was Josh's even though he was no where to be seen.

"Keep a look out for the hunters." Was Scott's only reply and Derek nodded his head before leaving.
The door slammed shut behind him and in the distance, Scott heard a car drive off.
"Where's Allison and Lydia?" Malia asked, her eyes searching the place for the two women.
"Down over at Lydias house. " Scott replied.
"But wasn't her house surrounded by black cars when we went past? We didn't stop because we assumed you knew about it. "

Scott was out the door before Malia finished her sentence.


Lydia sighed in agitation. Allison was laid down on the bed and Lydia was still puzzling over the book.

"There is something I'm missing. I know it." Lydia said again for the third time in an hour.
"Lyds maybe it's nothing. " Allison said
"No it's definately something. I just can't figure it out!" Lydia put her head down on the desk that was covered in sheets of paper and books, all on the supernatural.
Suddenly they both heard cars roll up on the side of the house. It sounded too loud to be Scott's or Derek's so Allison peeled back the curtains to have a look.

4 massive black SUVs were parking outside the house.
"Hunters." Allison said, spinning back around to face Lydia. "Hide everything!"
Lydia got to work shoving paper in draws and books under the bed. Allison grabbed the knife Lydia kept stuck to  the bottom of the bed and a foldable crossbow, just as the door downstairs thudded open.

The desk was completely empty of anything supernatural relating and the two women stood ready as the door was thrown open.
In strode Monroe herself followed by 4 hunters.

"Hello Girls." She smiled, hoisting a rifle on her hip.
"What do you want." Allison said, crossbow still pointed directly at Monroe's head.
"Just to chat banshee and traitor." Was Monroe's reply.

"She isn't a traitor. She joined the side that saved people instead of killing them. You only joined the story at the end so you don't know the amount of people who would of died if we weren't here." said Lydia
"Let me guess 10. " said one of the hunters, sniggering at the other three.

"Thousands, maybe even the whole of America if some things hadn't been stopped." Was Allison's reply, her voice calm and steady. The hunter blinked at them but then scoffed. Lydia could see he was still a bit wary which made her think that he did believe them at least a little.

Monroe had clearly been feeding them lies.

"You are the monsters. You hunt us and kill humans like they are cattle." Said Monroe.
"You know Monroe that the beast would still be here and killing if it wasn't for us." Allison told her.

"And for the record, you hunt us like cattle." Added Lydia. She suddenly jerked her head to the left and the 4 hunters behind Monroe almost moved a step back.

"It would be wise to run and get out of this town. " Lydia smiled as a roar was let loose from the bottom of the stairs. The two hunters at the back whirled around, guns raised but Scott was already there. His eyes were glowing red and he snarled one word.


"The alpha!" Monroe shouted, "Shoot him!"
But then Lydia screamed. All the hunters dropped their guns and pressed their hands to their ears.  Allison shot an arrow at Monroe through the chaos, the arrow plunging into her shoulder.

She yelped and pulled it out almost immediately. Blood spurted from the wound and she pressed her hand on it to keep the pressure. The blood covered her hand.
"Come back and threaten us again and the next one will be through your heart. " Allison said, lowering her bow.

Monroe turned around to face the girls and then back to Scott. He stepped out the way, leaving a passage for the hunters to leave. They wisely took the chance and left Monroe standing there.
She gave the girls a dirty look before scurrying after her hunters, slower because of the wound.

Lydia sighed when they finally heard the last car leave the road.
"They are going to be a big problem." Lydia said, getting everything back out and onto the desk.

"I know." Was all Scott said before walking over to Lydia,  putting his hands over her shoulders and his head on her head. They stood like this for a while,  while Allison secured the house.

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