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Stiles stumbled back into Derek's loft hours later, hanging onto Scotts shoulder.
Everyone was still in Derek's loft. No one had wanted to go home until they knew what was happening to Stiles.

The door slid open, the only sound in the tense atmosphere. Stiles stumbled in and everyone jumped up immediately. Derek was the closest and he came over and hooked his hand around Stiles waist, supporting him.
Stiles leaned into him, glad for his support and warmth.
"What did Deaton say was wrong?" asked Lydia as they led Stiles to the single couch in Derek's loft.

Scott explained and Josh looked one in wide eyes.
"He can't go back to the Fbi yet can he?" asked Josh once the explanation was over.
Scott shook his head.
"We are going to have to say a family emergency has come up and he can't go back yet." replied Scott. "None of us can leave until th..."

But that was as far Scott got before Lydia interrupted him. She had turned deathly pale and was standing haunting still.
"The ghost riders." she said. "It takes like they did. They took people. This thing takes souls."
She looked up at Scott, her bright eyes seeming even bigger in her slim face.
"It will take and take until everything is gone. It's the redemption for what the ghost riders failed to do. This town should be gone. We should wiped off the map. But we are still here.
And they will start with you."
She pointed a trembling finger at Stiles. " You were always supposed to go first. It will take you again. It will take everyone in the order they went last time but no one will come back."

"Lydia." Scott started to walk up to Lydia and took her hands. She whimpered as if in pain.
"I can feel it calling to me." She whispered.
"It's ok." Scott pulled her to his chest and rocked her side to side, whispering that everything's ok.

"Banshee." Peter said in Joshs direction, nodding at Lydia. "She's a harvenger of death, fully able to predict the death and misery that's yet to happen."
"Don't talk about it like that." snarled Derek at Peter's amused and slightly sarcastic tone. "Don't forget that you were the one who tried to kill everyone until you were set on fire and died. "

Josh paled even more at that news.
"Ok." Stiles said, getting to his feet now that the trembling had stopped. He still swayed a little from the headache and had to use Derek for support. "I think that's all the misery we can handle in one night."

Scott nodded, turning around.
"I'll take Lydia home." he said. "I'm going to be here at first light so we can discuss what to do."
"I should probably leave too." Said Alison. 
Stiles nodded and they left. Peter slunk off somewhere so it was just Josh, Derek and Stiles.
"So what do you think of everyone then." Stiles asked Josh.
"I-i-i don't even know what to say! Everyone is just soo powerful and brave. What have you guys been through to get you all like that and in such a close pack?!!"

Stiles exchanged a look with Derek.
"Do you really want to know?" asked Derek. Derek had left for a year but he knew everything that happened from Scotts explanations.
"Yes." nodded Josh.
"Ok then." Stiles sat down. "You're going to be here a long time."

Stiles talked well into the night, with Derek chiming in with details that Stiles forgot. By the end of it Josh was shaking.
"How are any of you even here?" he said with shock, "You should've all been dead 1000 times over."

"I know." replied Stiles. "Now you get about the ghost riders and about how this entire town shouldn't be here. Turns out we've upset some super natural law and something has come back to make sure the job is finished this time."

Josh sank back into the sofa, sitting on the other side of Stiles.
"I still can't believe you've done all of that. And now Scott helps people who don't know what they are or how to control the supernatural power?"
Stiles nodded
"He's also the protector of Beacon Hills and has been since he was about 17 years old, so about 3 ish years ago."

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