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3 days until the full moon

They had all gathered in Scotts house for once after barging into Dereks place at 8am, only to find him alseep with Stiles.
Nobody said anything but they crept back out the flat and went to Scotts instead.

Nothing was really happening, Scott, Allison, Isaac and Lydia were crammed on one sofa, watching the hit show supernatural. (Sorry but i couldnt not include spn) They were laughing at how incorrect certain parts were but Lydia could tell they were enjoying it.
Stiles had burst into the room halfway through but Derek wasnt with him. He sat down infront of the sofa.

But then there was Malia. She was sitting on the double seater sofa but she was alone and not really interested in the tv show. Instead she looked at the ground wearing a desolate expression.
"Hey are you alright?" Lydia asked sitting next to her.
"Yeah." Malia replied back, still staring at the floor. She wasnt responding to anymore then that so Lydia decided to try another conversation route. 

"Whats happened between you and Isaac?"
Malia froze at the question and then quickly looked over towards Isaac. He hadn't heard, still staring at the screen as the main characters drove off in a black Chevy Impala.
"You can tell me." Lydia added and Malia turned to face her.

"He keeps on trying to do subtle things to goad me into a relationship. Dont get me wrong, i love him but it will take time for me to be steady enough to enter a relationship with somone." Malia had dropped her voice to a whisper.

"Have you told him?" Replied Lydia. Malia nodded, still stealing glances at Isaac.
"Ive explained to him about not wanting to be in a relationship yet. He didnt try anything for a week but then started back up again. I dont know what to do!" Malia sighed and leaned back into the sofa, the soft leather creaking as it took her weight.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Lydia asked, but Malia sat up wide eyes and frantically shook her head.

"I just need your advice." She finally said
"Well you do want to be in a relationship but you dont know how to handle a proper, lasting one?" Lydia said, planning this all out in her head. She was in her element because fixing relationships was one of Lydias specialties.

Malia nodded
"Well what i would to is talk to him but do it with me or someone else around. Tell him that you do like like him but want to take it slow so you can get used to the relationship." Lydia paused and looked over at Isaac. "Hes a great guy but a bit of an idiot at times. "

Malia sighed and a small smile played at her lips. Lydia couldn't help smiling as well as she settled next to Malia to watch the tv. 

Day of the full moon

Scott sighed. The full moon was getting closer and closer and they had no idea what to do about Stiles. They didnt know if banishing the darkness would affect him or what it was even doing in his head.
They had to just hope for the best when the ritual was performed at night today.

Lydia had a few friends in Eichin house that allowed them to get onto the supernatural ward. The hellhound chamber was empty and had been empty for years. Lydia, Stiles and Allison were prepping the place.

Scott, Malia and Isaac were standing in Dereks loft, looking at dark Parrish. Scott checked his watch, it was about 7pm and the sun was slowly setting outside.
"How are we going to get him down to Eichin?" Isaac asked. Dark Parrish just growled, his eyes flicking between them.
"Like this." Malia said, holding a pipe in her hands. Where she had got it from nobody knew but Scott lept to stop her doing something reckless. He was too late and she swung the pipe at Parrish's head.

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