Catacombs pt.1

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The entrance to the catacombs was dark and unwelcoming. Malia shivered slightly and moved closer to Isaac.
"What if we get lost in there?" She asked Isaac, "Soo many people have and their bodies have never been found. Over 3/4 of this place isn't mapped."
"Malia. We're werewolves." Isaac replied.
"Still. Somethings very off about that place."

Isaac rolled his eyes.
"Lets go before the guards get back." he said and almost pushed Malia into the blackness that shrouded the entrance.

They had flashlights as back up but Malia and Isaac's eyes glowed, allowing them to see in the dark. Skulls and bones leered at them almost as soon as they stepped inside.
Malia shivered again.
She couldn't believe humans had managed to create a tunnel out of real skulls and bones. It was revolting.
Isaac and Malia stayed silent as they went through the catacombs.

"Wait how are we going to get out?" Malia asked Isaac, who was walking slightly ahead of her.
"We can scent our way back out." he replied, "Stay close. I get what you mean about this place being really bad."
"So what are we even looking for?" Malia asked. Suddenly something caught Malia's attention from the corner of her eye, almost straight after she replied back to Isaac. She whipped her head around, claws half out but whatever it was, it had gone.

"Isaac. I don't think we're alone." She grabbed Isaacs arm and sped up to walk next to him.
"We're looking for anything suspicious." Isaac replied, his voice tremoring the slightest. It was the only show of fear Isaac would display.

"Wait." Malia steered Isaac towards one of the walls. "Is that a triscellion??"
And it was. On the wall, hidden soo thouroughly from view was a old, chipped and dusty triscellion.

"She came here long ago." Said a high, shrill voice just as Malia was about to touch the symbol.
They both spun around but there was nothing there.
"W..who said that?" Isaac declared at the pitch black darkness.
"I did." A girl appeared right infront of Isaac and he jumped back in surprise.

The slightly-transparent girl giggled at Isaac and then grinned at Malia. She had curly black hair, was wearing something that vaugely resembled baggy dungarees and looked about 14.
"Hi." Malia smiled at the girl, curious but also terrified. "Who are you?"
The girl ducked her head a little, as if embarrassed before answering.

"Elsie. I've been her in these tunnels for a long time. About 500 years I would guess. I can't move on to the  next life until my purpose here is complete."
"And what is that?" Isaac asked, recovered from the scare the girl had given him earlier.

"I save people. Only when these catacombs have been destroyed may I be free. I died here, killed by my step dad, so I am cursed to wander here. The reason you aren't all dead yet is because of me! Nothing will dare attack you while I am protecting you."

"So it was you I kept on seeing in the corner of my eyes." Malia realised.
The ghost girl nodded.
"The lady that came with the glowing sword pressed the wall and went in there. She carved that mark on it when she came out and left."

"Do you know what she did with the sword." Malia asked the girl. Elsie shook her head.
"There's something in there that weakens my power." She said, "That tomb is sacred but I can still get in there. My power will just be really faint and more things will be able to slip past me."
Malia nodded and the girl slowly began to fade away.

They both watched the spot where she was hovering until there was no trace of Elsie left. Isaac turned around and pulled the triscellion. It wrenched out with a screech and a hidden wall slowly slid across, revealing a passage way.
It somehow seemed even more dark then the catacombs. But somehow Malia didn't hesitate and she walked in.
The chamber was large and somehow the darkness was anti-supernatural.
"I can't see anything!" Isaac said and stumbled into Malia almost straight after.
"I think it's the darkness. We can't use our supernatural eyes in here. Thank god we brought the flash lights." Malia replied after pushing Isaac away.
They clicked on the lights and the whole world suddenly became brighter. Their beams of light scanned over the walls and what was on them shook Malia to the bone.

There were pictures on the wall. Pictures similar to Egyptian Art, and they showed werewolves. The werewolves were ripping people apart and then it moved onto the next frame. Hunters arrived and were shooting at the werewolves with spears. In another section of the wall, the werewolves heads were on pikes where underneath crowds of people cheered.
"Isaac!" Malia made a bolt towards the exit, but it was no use. Just as she had realised, the door had slid shut.

"Malia what is it?" Isaac came towards here from where he had been standing from the other side of the room.
"We can't get the sword. This place was specially designed to kill werewolves. Look at the walls!" Malia cried, starting to feel the desperation and still pulling at where the door had been.
For the first time Isaac properly studied the walls. He gave a huge gasp of breath when he shone his light on the far left wall.
It showed a collage of paintings, each of them in a room with decoration on the walls. In that room, there were be-headings, tortures, killing, maiming and it was all werewolves who were the victims. It was the same room they were standing in.
"Malia." Isaac grabbed her shoulder and Malia turned around.
The wall had changed. One second the paintings were there and the next they weren't.
"What the..." Malia said, "How is this possible!"
"I dunno." Isaac gulped and straightened up. "But we are going to have to carry on."
"I'm afraid you're right." Malia replied sullenly, "We can't get out this room so we might as well try to get the sword. Even though this place was specially designed to keep werewolves out."

"Keep us safe Elsie." Isaac told the sky and for a second, the room became a little lighter. Elsie had heard them.

Malia inched around the room, pulling on the wall, searching for another opening. Isaac did the same across the room and they worked in silence.
Suddenly Isaac found a handle in the wall.
"Here!" Isaac said, calling to Malia. She came rushing over and together they wrenched open the door.

But they didnt read the writing that flashed up on the strange moving walls after the two walked out the room.

None of you will ever survive to see daylight after the door has opened.

Malia glanced back in the room before she left it behind, but the writing had vanished. The stone door shut behind them and the room was shut into another eternity of darkness.

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