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Ive linked my favourite void Stiles edit for you all to enjoy :)

"What!" Allison exclaimed, "What do you mean."
"History will repeat itself in the same way it did in a small French town many many centuries ago. Marie is your ancestor,  the one who slayed the beast and banished death. This says the heir of the family who banished death originally will be the one who will banish it again. And that's you Allison. You are the one who can save us."

Lydia stood up, everyone's eyes following her.
"There has to be something somewhere that holds the story because if history is about to repeat itself, we need to know the story to know what Death will do next."

"Wait." Scott stood up, " You're saying that death is doing the exact same thing it did to Marie all those years ago, in the exact same order and only Allison can extract hellfire and save the town?"
Lydia nodded.
"Now do you get me?" She said, turning around to face everyone else.

"But what about the people under the darkness's control?" Derek asked, standing up straighter from the wall.
Lydia looked at everything but Derek.

"Marie couldn't save the people who she found had been enslaved and she had to kill them. " Lydia replied and Derek stayed indifferent, but his eyes showed the raging emotions that swirled underneath, "But she didn't have the full range of supernatural creatures we have here so we might be able to help them."

Scott nodded,
"Now we know how to defeat it, how do we get close enough to Parrish to extract the hellfire and how do we actually extract hellfire."
Lydia flipped to another page in the massive book, sending more clouds of dust into everyone's lungs.
"Stop!" Malia choked out, coughing again. Lydia gave a sheepish smile to her but quickly went back to studying the book.
"It says the hellhound must be frozen in carbonate, like what they did at Echin House and a h...heavenly weapon can be used to pierce into the hellhounds body, taking the fire and leaving a shell of a person behind. of a person?"
"Parrish will die." said Liam, the first to fully understand what the book meant.


Stiles went back daily to check on the darkness. The shield was still intact but the voice still whispered things to him that broke his heart a little more each time. Things like Lydias dying scream and Dereks gasp, accompanied by the wet slick of a sword being plunged into him.

Stiles knew for certain his friends were dead. It was all he could do to not let the darkness in and maybe make their deaths mean something.

So he sat by the darkness wondering what to do. He couldn't push it backwards because the shield might break. Stiles knew because he had tried it with his mind and the shield had nearly splintered.
Deep in his mind, Stiles knew that it would get in eventually. It was a matter of time. After all, there's only soo much he could do before it all came crumbling down.


"You knew." Scott was back at the animal clinic, flanked by Lydia and Derek. Everyone else had gone to cover other business and keep a look out for trouble. "You knew that in order to win this, we would have to sacrifice the hellhound."

Dark Parrish smiled back at him.
"This man should've died a long time ago, blown up by a bomb in a war that didnt even involve his country. It was only a matter of time before he died for real."
"There must be something we can do to get the hellfire and save Parrish." Scott said to Lydia and Derek.
"Ah Scotty but there isn't. You can't get out of it this time. It's either your friend or your town. The decision that will break you." Dark Parrish grinned

"You planned this, didn't you?" Scott asked, now talking back to Dark Parrish. Parrish only smiled again in response, the smiled haunting and one that promised carnage.

"Wait." Derek said, "What is a heavenly weapon?"
"A weapon forged by angels themselves, only two remain in existence. One called soulseeker, the weapon that girl used to banish me the first time and another called riptide. "
"We don't trust you." Scott said to Parrish. "Derek, the story will tell us what actually happened, if we can find the original one and not one that the internet has created up."

They walked out of the animal clinic, Parrish staring after them. It was Allison's turn to keep guard over Parrish and she came hurtling around the corner just as Scott shut the door behind him. 
She flashed them a grin but said nothing as she went in the animal clinic.


Josh and Derek sat in Derek's loft. There was nothing they could do to help. Scott had told them to act like everything was normal but it was hard, knowing Stiles was possessed again and the hunters on the prowl.

Derek was pacing infront of the sofa yet again
"I'm going to go mad if I sit here and just do nothing while soo much is going on." Josh said, sitting on the sofa nervously.
"Which is why we aren't just going to sit here." Derek replied, finally stopping the pacing, "C'mon kid."
"But Scott said to stay here!" said Josh as Derek walked to the loft door.

"You forget kid I was the alpha long before Scott. I was the one who helped him master his powers and become what he is today. I can do my own thing."
Josh gulped, hesitated but then followed Derek's waiting figure out the door.


"So where are we going?" Josh walked beside Derek, trying to keep up with his massive strides.
"A place thats like metal catacombs, where the hunters were based last time and where the dread doctors set up their lab. No one's been back there since the day we all barely got out. Its time to see it again."
"Wait do you think we will find something there?" Josh asked
"Could do. It's better to be sure. Anything we find, we can tell Scott."

Josh nodded, but his ears twitched, picking up noise behind them.
He spun around to see what it was but there was nothing there.
"What's wrong?" Derek asked, turning around and scanning the area.

"I thought I heard something..." Josh murmured, still scanning their surroundings.
"Be on lookout for anything suspicious." Derek said, "But if we can't see anything, we have to get a move on."

They both turned back around and started walking faster. Josh still heard the soft padding of footprints behind them. From the way Derek straightened, Josh could tell he heard them to. However, neither of them stopped and they both kept walking, their follower still trailing after them.

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