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Derek left Josh as soon as he had got his suitcase out the back.
"Uh. Bye I guess." Josh said at the car, which was driving away as fast as Derek could possibly go.

He turned around to the school and suddenly Josh was hit with the feeling someone was watching him. He spun around but nothing was there. Josh walked into the building, rubbing the back of his kneck nervously.

The receptionist pulled her glasses down to look at him over the top of them.
"You're back." She said, continuing to type something, "I hope you're not going to cause any more problems."

Jake cringed internally, thinking back to those few nights he had lost control and made a right mess. Stiles had always managed to cover the worst of it up. Oh how he missed Stiles.

"Oh Stiles..." started Josh but he was cut off by the receptionist.
"Your friend checked back in about 1 hour ago. I was surprised you hadn't arrived together."

"What?" Josh couldn't help but blurt out.
"Is there a problem?" Said the receptionist, peering at him over her wire-framed glasses again.
"Um no." Josh quickly spat out and walked off to his shared room as quickly as possible.

What did the receptionist mean when she said Stiles was here?? Void Stiles was still at Beacon Hills. He couldn't possibly be here. Could he...?

The corridor was impossibly silent when Josh reached his shared apartment. He gulped and opened the door slowly. A boy sat on Stiles's bed, one who's head snapped in Josh's direction when he heard the door open.
It was Void.
He smiled at Josh, in a way that seemed off and waved his hand, moving one finger at a time.

"Hi Josh." He said
Josh was frozen still for a while, unsure of what to do until Void Stiles stood up.
"What..What are you doing here?" Josh stuttered as Void came closer.
"Finishing my education." Void replied with a sneer that promised horrible things to come. "And to finish a few jobs."

"Um." Josh pondered, before (he realised later that this was the worst thing he could of done) suddenly throwing down his suitcase and bolting into the bathroom.
He locked it behind him and fumbled to get his phone out of his pocket. He was dialling Scotts number before a slender, pale hand plucked the phone away.

Void looked at his phone and shook his head, tutting.
"Naughty Naughty." He tossed the phone from one hand to the other, almost mocking Josh, "If you call Scotty, I'll tell them all about your sister."

Josh started to sweat.
"Wh..what about my sister." He stuttered.
"You did something... something horrible to them. Didn't you?" Void dropped Josh's phone to the ground, where it shattered, " You sentenced them to their deaths."

Josh winced, "And you know Scott would never forgive you for what you did. I'll tell him. Keep quiet and he'll believe the fake version. It's your choice." Added Void before walking out of the room, leaving Josh shaken.


Lydia vacated her house for a couple of days, going to live at Scotts house. They were all sitting in Derek's loft, waiting for his return when Isaac pulled this cloth out of his pocket.
"What's that?" Asked Scott.
"It's from the girl, the ghost girl who saved Malia." Isaac replied.

"How is that even possible?!" Exclaimed Lydia from where she sat, leaning next to Scott
"I don't know." Isaac told her, looking at the piece of material. "But she told me to put it on the sword, to add to all the other people it's taken."

"Well do it!" Malia exclaimed energetically from next to Isaac. Allison leaned forward from the other side of Isaac, also eager to see what happened.

Isaac held the sword out straight and stood up from the worn sofa he was sitting on. The cloth was slowly placed on the sword, everyone watching nervously.

But nothing happened.

They waited a good couples of minutes but still nothing happened. Isaac picked the cloth off the sword and started shaking the sword.
"Maybe it's broken...?"

"Oh pass it here!" Allison took the sword off Isaac and almost instantly it started to glow bright blue, dropping the temperature of the room to freezing.
Scott jumped up.
"Allison what did you do!?" Scott said but Allison was oblivious to the world. She just stared at the sword, transfixed, as if it was talking to her.

"Someone take it away from her before she freezes us!" Scott roared, his breath coming out as mist in the temperature.
Malia reacted before Isaac but instead of taking the sword away, she dropped the piece of cloth from the ghost girl onto it.

The cloth instantly vanished and the sword stopping glowing but the temperature of the room still stayed at freezing and Allison was still entranced by the sword.

Then Malia grabbed it off her and yelped before throwing it down into the vacated sofa. It seemed to burn the soft material, sizzling and crackling before Isaac kicked it onto the floor. Then it was quiet.

Allison looked around in a daze,
"Whats going on?" She blinked at everyone and finally lowered her hands to her side.
"The sword did something." Lydia replied, crouching next to it but not touching it. "It connected with you."

"It's recognizing the bloodline." Says Scott and he slowly moved forward to the sword. It rapidly started to heat up but cooled down when Scott moved away.
It didn't react to Lydia when she picked it up, just was a normal sword but Isaac started to move and it heated up. Lydia dropped it with a small squeal before clutching her burning hand.

"Stop!" She half yelled causing everyone in the room turn to her in curiosity, "If you are any sort of were-creature, don't come near the sword! Now that it's been set off, it reacts with were-creatures for some reason. Oh and Malia can you go and get me some heat proof oven gloves from in the kitchen please?"

Malia snuck out of the room but Lydia or Allison didn't dare to pick up the sword yet.
"Derek's going to be pissed when he sees the sofa," said Allison, pointing at the sword outline that was burned into it.
Lydia grimaced and opened her mouth to speak but shut it when Scott started to talk.

"I think it's time we visit Kira and the skinwalkers. " proclaimed Scott from the other side of the room, still staring at the sword.

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