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*I know the gif at the top isn't teen wolf but I love maze runner and that gif soo much*

The thunder and lightning suddenly stopped. Like it was just there one second and brutal silence the next.

Scott and Derek jumped up immediately growling.
"What's wrong?" Asked Josh

Allison had grabbed her crossbow from wherever it had been stashed and was ready. Lydia had her skills she had learnt from Parrish and her voice if the situation turned dire. Stiles suddenly wished he hadn't left the bat in his car.

Peter jumped down from the roof, landing right in the middle of the circle they'd all unconciously formed. His head snapped up, showing his glowing blue werewolf eyes. Identical to the ones that were now on Derek's face.

Derek still managed to do an over-exaggerated eyeroll at Peters dramatic entrance.
Everyone was on high alert, scanning the area for anything.
But there was nothing there.

Suddenly the massive window in Derek's loft shattered, raining glass all over the pack. Everyone ducked but was still hit with the glass.
Stiles felt warm blood trickling down his arm from multiple cuts and a piece of glass was embedded in his cheek.

Scott was growling now, his eyes the alpha red. Josh looked on in awe and surprise. He knew Scott was a true alpha but had yet to see him fight.

Then the noise started. The same high pitched click that had haunted Stiles's dream. His vision blurred in and out of focus while he clutched his hands to his ears. Stiles sank to the floor, eyes clenched shut. In the distance, he heard Derek yell his name but then...


Everything suddenly stopped and Stiles cautiously opened his eyes. He was on the street from his dream last night. Immediately Stiles was on his feet. The cuts from the glass had disappeared on his arms and cheek. Stiles looked around, half in horror but half in surprise.

He could see figures in the distance, figures with solid black eyes and distorted limbs. They were coming to him at an unusually fast rate. Stiles started running the other way as fast as he could but it was hopeless. Within seconds the creatures had caught up with him and he was tossed to the ground.

The formed a circle around him and did the exact same thing they did in his dream. They jeered and mocked him, except this time when Stiles looked into their soulless eyes, he was instantly transported back in his memories to the worst ones he had tried to bury.

In Scotts eyes, his mother died all over again. In Malia's eyes he was taken by the wild hunt, leaving his best friend Lydia whispering his name and trying to remember him.
The worst memories flashed across his eyes, him captured, beaten, destroyed, possessed and standing by helpless while his friends lay dying on the other side of the vault.

Stiles started to scream and clenched his eyes shut but still the memories filled his head.
In the blackness in his head, Stiles barely registered his hands flailing around until they hit into something solid.
Stiles managed to stand up on shaking legs and push the creatures back.

"ENOUGH!" he screamed, breaking the uncrossable line between them and him. Suddenly they all disappeared and Stiles fell to the ground, unconscious.

● ● ●

Stiles awoke hours later with a pounding headache. A bright light was shining at him and he lay on hard metal.
He groaned, pressing his shaking hands to his head as if he could contain the sharp pain.

"Stiles try not to move." said a soft voice that Stiles recognised at Deaton.
He groaned in response as his vision started to clear.

He was in the animal clinic, layed down on one of the metal tables. Stiles turned his head to the side to see Scott sitting on one of the chairs, his hands clasped nervously infront.
"Scott." whispered Stiles. His throat felt raw and speaking hurt. "What happened?"

Scott looked over at Deaton, who nodded and went back to finding something.
"The glass rained down on us and you started acting strange. You sunk to the ground, hands over your eyes whispering about a noise that wasn't there. Derek yelled your name but you stood up like nothing had happened. But your eyes. They were completely black. You looked like you were struggling against something until Lydia screamed and you collapsed. "
Stiles had turned pale.
"What does that mean." he whispered in his sore, croak voice.

"It means something is here." interrupted Deaton, walking over with a vial of something in his hand. Stiles was too weak to read what it said.
"What's here?" Asked Scott.
"A creature, it existed long before us and is likely to be here long after. It feeds on pain, digging into your darkest memories and forcing them to the front of your mind. You with either fall insane or be enslaved to the creature."
Scott was silent and Deaton turned to Stiles.
"You are the first person I have ever seen to break free of its control. A few more minutes and you would have been it's slave for eternity. It's most likely it travelled here in a host and now it isn't likely to move on anytime soon. All the pain, anguish and misery that has happened in Beacon Hills is too big an opportunity for it to let over."
"It came in me." croaked Stiles, turning back over so his head hit the hard metal again. "The dream."
"What dream?" Deaton was next to him quicker then Stiles weary eyes could follow. "You need to tell me what dream."

So Stiles told Deaton and Scott everything in the dream and then everything he had experienced in the time his eyes turned black.
Deaton sighed when he turned away.

"What does that mean???" said Scott jumping up , more alert and anxious them he had been before.
"It means that Stiles pushed them from his mind. They will be back for him but for now they are gone."

Deaton turned around and looked directly at Scott and Stiles.
"Before they come back, you need to figure out how to stop everyone you love from falling. They will all be fallen slaves unless you do something."

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