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Allison and Lydia crept through the forest, Allison behind Lydia, keeping watch and using her hunting abilities to the max. Lydia held the sword out infront of her, just incase something came hurling towards them.
The two of them didnt dare to talk, especially now the sounds of the battle were soo close. Lydia could hear growling and yelling not too far off.

Suddenly a man came hurtling a few feet away from Lydia, hitting a tree hard and slumping to the ground. Scott bounded in after him, nearly in full werewolf form but changed back as soon as he saw the girls.
Scott didnt say anything, he just nodded and slunk back out again. From that moment, Scott stayed above the trees, stopping anything from getting too close.


The sun was high in the sky when lydia and Allison reached the other side of the forest leading out of Beacon Hills.
"We made it!" Lydia exclaimed, turning around to Allison, being careful not to hit her with the sword.
"I better tell the rest of them they can stop fighting." Allison said as her reply right before she shot an arrow into the sky.

Scott spotted it straight away and howled, the sound vibrating through the trees. All around the forest Scotts pack retreated from their individual fights and followed the sound, leaving confused hunters in their wake.
It took a few minutes but eventually everyone was assembled on the outskirts of the forest.

"Right." Scott clapped his hands. "Lets go and check in on Kira."


Josh entered the dorm room he shared with Stiles for the first time since he left. No one was around so Josh darted inwards and scooped up a few of his belongings, constantly looking over his shoulder at the door.

Josh was crouched by his bed when the dorm door swung open. He lept back, hitting the wall and his claws subconsciously slid out.
It was Stiles but not Void Stiles. This Stiles stumbled into the room, panting and sweating. Josh rushed forward and caught him before Stiles collapsed to the ground.
"Stiles! Stiles, hey hey!" Josh cupped Stiles limp face. "Whats happening to you!"
Stiles's eyes rolled back into his head and he muttered one single word before he fully collapsed.


The desert sun was bright and scalding, Malia shielding her eyes as the pack pushed their way through the sand.
"How much longer!" Lydia called out to Scott. Scott was the only one who had been here before, besides Kira and her mom.
"It should be right here." Scott replied, spinning around in a circle. Lydia tried to distinguish how this land of sand was different but she couldnt. It looked the same to her but different to Scott somehow.
"What now." Allison asked
"We call them i guess." Scott replied, still staring at the sand, " I mean theyre probably watching us now."

"Kira!" Scott howled into the air, "We need you!"
For a second Lydia thought nothing had happened but then the sand by Isaac and Malia started to swirl into the air. Malia jumped back into Isaac who fell into Lydia, nearly spearing himself on the sword and making it glow hot.
"Be careful!" Lydia cried, shoving him away. But Lydias did catch Isaac putting his arms around Malia, but she moved them away and went to stand by Scott.
Lydia's eyes narrowed. There was definately something going on inbetween them.

But there was no time to wonder about that now. The mini sand-tornado had mostly disappeared, leaving four figures standing there. They wore a mix of what looked like tribal getup, complete with tribal marks on their faces. All 4 of them held staffs in their hands.

Scott spotted Kira straight away, she fit in with the skin walkers, wearing the same stuff. Her eyes were emotionless but every once in a while they darted to someone in the group and some emotion leaked in

"What do you want?" The second skinwalker asked Scott in a raspy voice. "The girl is ours now, a skin walker. You cant have her."
"Relax." Scott replied, unable to keep his eyes from darting to Kira. "We know we cant get Kira back but thats not what we're here about anyway. We are here about this."

Lydia moved away from all the were creatures and unwrapped the sword. It glinted in the bright sunlight and gave off a sort of aura. The first skin walker tilted her head.
"Thats the angel blade." She said, "The only one left in existence after the first one was used on us."
Malia raised her eyebrows at this but the skin walker didnt elaborate.

"Give it here child." The third one said, holding out her arm. Lydia looked at Scott, wondering if she should give it and he nodded. Lydia handed over the sword.
As soon as the skinwalkers touched it, the temperature dropped in the desert. It was supposed to be boiling hot but Lydia started to shiver, pulling her jacket tighter around herself.

"Its stronger then the one that hunted us." The third one rasped. Kira still stayed quiet.
"We have been told we can use it to extract hellfire from Parrish, using the then trapped hellfire to stop death. Is that true?"
"Yes." Said Kira, talking for the first time since meeting the pack.
"Can we save Parrish after taking the hellfire?" Malia chimed in.
"We arent sure." The second skinwalker replied. Malia sighed and frowned.
"Great." Scott muttered but turned to Allison. He gestured to Lydia to take the sword off the skinwalkers. She did so.
"Also look at this." Scott said, " Lydia give the sword to Allison."
Lydia did so, forcing Malia and Isaac to move out of the way. Allisons hands seemed to automatically reach out towards the sword and she grabbed it eagerly.
Immediately the sword light up with the same effects as before, turning the atmosphere ice cold and pulling Allison's will into the cold blade. The skinwalkers tilted their heads simultaneously and Lydia reached forward to take the sword off Allison.

Lydia wrapped the sword up back in the clothe and the temperature rocketed back up.
"Blood calls to blood." rasped the first skinwalker, "Only the girl can use the sword."
The second skinwalker opened her mouth to say something but shut it.
"We need go." They said simultaneously
"Wait!" Scott cried but it was too late, they raised their staffs and brought them down on the sand, sending cracks searing down it.

Sand swirled into the air, flying around and around, forcing Scott to close his eyes. And when he opened them again, the skinwalkers and kira were long gone.

Sophie xxxx

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