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The car ride had been long, boring and stuffy. Stiles's ADHD had only made things worse but at least he wasn't sitting still all the time. He and Josh swapped driving duties every once in a while.

But they were back in Beacon Hills. Stiles couldn't help but be really nervous about being back, especially after the haunting dream. The soulless black eyes and the disfigured bodies still lurked at the front of his mind.

He looked around warily, but the sun was shining brightly and nothing seemed out of place. Well more out of place than usual. This was Beacon Hills though, literal a Beacon for the supernatural. Nothing ever felt 100% safe.

Stiles turned back to the car and opened the boot to get his and Joshs suitcases out. They would be staying with Derek in his attic for the next week or so.

"Hey Stiles!" exclaimed a voice behind him. Stiles jumped up and immediately whacked his head off the boot of the car. Stiles grabbed Melissa's bat from his car and turned around, rubbing his head.
It was only Allison.
Stiles groaned at the pain that was now rocketing through his brain. The top of his head felt tender to the touch .
"Oh my God Stiles!" Allison rushed over," I didn't mean to scare you like that!"
"No it's fine." Stiles winced at the pain and threw the baseball bat back into the car. "Haven't fought any bad guy back from the dead in a while, so I'm just on edge."
Allison chuckled a little, despite the circumstances.
"C'mon." She said, grabbing both of the suitcases out of the boot. "Josh is already upstairs and is looking quite lost."
Allison dashed into the building with both the suitcases, reminding Stiles of how weak he was and how strong she was, and took the only available lift.

Stiles sighed. He would have to wait for the next lift or trudge up 7 flights of stairs. He shut down the boot of the car but a shiver suddenly ran down his spine.
Stiles spun around but there wasn't anything there. He rubbed his neck nervously and quickly walked into the building, but Stiles couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.


The elevator reached the top floor and the doors opened to a sea of people. Everyone was there, Scott, Lydia, Mason, Liam. All his friends, old and new.
Scott immediately noticed Stiles and slid though the crowd towards him. Lydia followed, with the practised art of getting through crowds.
"Stiles!" Said Scott, embracing him before Stiles had the chance to say anything back, "Its literally been forever!!"

Scott and Lydia looked the same but it was obvious they were now an official couple.
"Guys!" exclaimed Stiles and hugged them both at the same time, "I see you two have finally become a thing."

They both blushed and looked away. Stiles honestly thought that was soo adorable and the grin on his face widened.
Everyone soon realised that Stiles was back and they were all welcoming him. Only Scott and Allison had officially met Josh so he stuck by Stiles's side, slowly getting to know more and more people.
Josh really hit if off with Liam, Hayden, Cory and Mason. He stayed with them after he left Stiles's side.

It also turned out Stiles had missed quite a lot of news while he was away. Scott had tried to keep him updated but it was hard.
New relationships had been formed and people had left Beacon Hills. Stiles already knew about Isaac and Malia leaving to go to France, the one place Malia had always wanted to go to. However, he was shocked to hear that Mellisa had moved out of Beacon Hills.
"Dude! Why didnt you tell me?" exclaimed Stiles, punching Scott in the shoulder playfully.
Scott gave a guilty grin, "It just didn't seem important to mention it. She's gone with Chris but not forever. My mom is definately coming back and she will be here at the first sign of trouble."

The gathering had been on for a few hours at this point. The rain had started to pour down heavily and many people had left. There was only Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison and Josh still there.  Well and Derek and Peter, this was their home after all.

"So how has my dad been coping then?" asked Stiles. "I told him I would get back here tommorow.  Somehow he agreed to me staying at Derek's place with Josh. I would've done it anyway but..."  He trailed off.
"Yeah I get what you mean. " replied Scott. He had his arm around Lydia and they looked soo happy. Stiles's heart exploded for them.

"But your dad has been coping fine. I've checked on him every once in a while, just to make sure and he seems ok. All the whiskey in the house mysteriously 'disappeared' after some of my visits but I'm sure he didn't notice."
Stiles nodded.
"Thanks man."
The thunder and lightning cracked above them, making everyone jump by the sheer ferocity of it.
Derek suddenly appeared from wherever he had been lurking and came and sat next to Stiles.

Almost immediately, Stiles heartbeat jumped to 1000000 mph. He had been harbouring a secret crush on Derek for a really long time now. He wasn't sure if Derek knew or not but Stiles was sure he had a suspicion.

"Hi Derek." said Stiles, trying to control his breathing, "Finished brooding and finally decided to join us?"
Peter snorted from the other side of the room. He wasn't within sight range but it was clear he had been listening to the conversation.

Derek raised a single eyebrow at Stiles and moved closer. Stiles kind of casually leaned into him and then noticed Scott grinning at him like a maniac.

Stiles rolled eyes at Scott and leant fully against Derek. His heart was racing faster then Lewis Hamilton at the Grand Prix. Then when derek put his arm around Stiles, he thought he was going to drop dead.

But Scott had to ruin the moment,
"Get a room!" He hollered at them, which made everyone else look at Stiles and Derek.

Stiles started to blush but they didn't move. Josh just gave Stiles a grin which said 'do it' and turned back to talk to Allison.

Stiles smiled to himself. Everything was going soo well. Nobody had died when he left and now Derek was possibly into him.
But that's when it all went wrong...

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