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Yes I know the picture up above is betty and jughead but I ship it soo much

Liam awoke almost instantly when Corey and Mason reached him. He retched and threw up. But it was darkness that came out of him, milling on the floor before it disappeared as tendrils.
Liam turned his shaking eyes up to Scott. They were the right colour at least.
"You got me back." he whispered.
Scott nodded his head and Liam smothered him in a hug.
Scott crushed him back.
"It's alright." He started to rock Liam as Liam started to cry. "Let's go home."


Isaac had woken up and was pacing the animal clinic with Deaton talking to him.
"Guys!" Isaac exclaimed when everyone trudged in. "You got Liam back!?"
"Yeah." said Scott who let Liam lean on him. He sagged in an unnatural tiredness. "I think I'm going to take Liam back to my house so he can sleep. I'll be back."
They both limped out and Malia explained to Isaac everything he had missed.

Lydia was unusually quiet. Allison walked over to her and sat next to her in the chairs.
"I think I'm going to go home." She said quietly to Allison.
"Are you alright? Even after what Liam said?" Allison stood up with Lydia.
"I'm fine." she said and walked straight out the clinic, her heels clicking on the floor. Allison watched after her with a frown on her features.

Scott shortly returned and Allison pulled him aside.
"Scott, I think you should go and talk to Lydia." She told him. Josh looked over curiously at their conversation but she ignored him.
"Yeah, I think she was affected a lot more from what happened in that cabin then we realised. "

He sighed and ran a hand through his already tussed up hair. "I feel like such an idiot for not realising the extremity of what happened to her. I'm such a bad boyfriend." He seemed to sag a little.
Allison grabbed him by the shoulders.
"You are an amazing boyfriend Scott! Now go and find her!"

Scott smiled,
"I will." He told her before running out the animal clinic.
"What's up with him?" Malia came to stand next to her.
"He had a few things to sort out." Allison replied with a smile.


Scott ran through the streets to the place where Lydia was most likely to go. To a house but not her house. He reached the forest and ran straight in.

Scott was right. Lydia sat on the staircase in the ruined Hale mansion. She sat directly in the middle of the staircase and was staring into the distance.
Anyone normal would have been weirded out but not Scott.
"Lydia?" he said, shutting the door to the mansion behind him, "Are you alright?"
She didn't reply, but continued to stare into the distance. Something was off Scott realised. He climbed the rickety staircase to sit next to her. She didn't acknowledge him at all and when Scott waved a hand infront of her face, she didn't even blink.

Scott sighed. She was in a vision or lost in a memory. Scott wondered what the vision was about, some foretelling of the future he guessed. All he could do was wait.


The corridor was different, Stiles realised. It felt... off like something was wrong.
One of the doors had opened for him, the door directly opposite Voids room. Stiles had just been walking past and it swung open. He jumped about 5 foot into the air in surprise but walked down it.

It was bright and airy, but still suspicious. Why had it just decided to open? And why now?
Stiles soon got his anwser as the corridor got slowly darker and darker. It was like someone dimmed the lights and soon the light was the same as the forest on a misty night.

Stiles could just about see where he was going.
"Hello?" He half shouted, "Anything there!?"
Nothing anwsered except the whisper of his breath. Stiles swore colourfully and loudly but still walked on.

It was dark but Stiles could still see the pitch black pool that loomed up ahead. It swamped the corridors, sticking to the walls but piling up against something that looked like an invisible barrier.
"What the..." Stiles moved forward and the black stuff moved with him. He jumped back and the blackness moved forward, he moved forward and it moved back. He went left, it went right and vice versa.

Stiles was almost shocked still until a voice cut through the gloomy atmosphere. The voice came from where the black stuff was but Stiles couldn't see a person.
"Hello Stiles." It said.
"What the hell are you and why are you in my head!" He shouted back

"You don't remember, do you?"
"Remember what!?"
"Parrish took you under my control and now your body belongs to me."

Stiles stumbled back, his face rapidly leeching of colour.
"You got me." He whispered but somehow the voice still heard him.
It laughed.
"Let me in Stiles. Your friends are all dead. All that's stopping me is your annoying barrier of sheer will. Your friends pleaded for their deaths when they witnessed my true power, but you haven't. You are stronger in mind and they are in strength."

"Dead." He muttered, "They can't all be DEAD!" He screamed the last part at the darkness.
Something cracked and a searing pain pierced through Stiles's head.
"Yes. Yes." cackled the voice. Stiles lifted his head and saw a jagged splinter down the barrier.

No. He would avenge them by not letting this thing in. For Scott. For Lydia. For Derek. For Allison. For Josh. For Josie.
Stiles gritted his teeth in determination and touched the barrier. Some sort of light danced from his fingertips and the darkness slivered away in disgust. When he removed his fingers the barrier was solid again.
The voice hissed and Stiles took off down the corridor. He could hear the voice snarling but he left it behind. Stiles didn't stop running until he reached the corridor door and slammed it shut behind him.

What was he going to do?


After a few minutes, Lydia snapped back into the real world. She gasped and made Scott nearly fall down the stairs in surprise.
"Lydia you Ok?" He asked, taking her hand. Lydia slowly turned around to look at him, the haunted look back in her eyes.
"It's coming." she said, "Its going to be coming back again. The game works simple for him and he's definately winning. We need to get Parrish back or we are all going to die."

She whispered the last part and Scott slowly pulled her to a standing position. They both walked down the steps.
"Let's get you home and we can talk there." Lydia nodded and let Scott guide her home.

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