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Six months later

The sun shone bright in the morning sky, a beautiful start to the new day. Dereks skin glowed as he lead Stiles's by the hand.
Stiles didnt know where they were going and Derek had blind folded him as a precaution.

"Der!" Stiles cried, his arm that Derek wasn't pulling along was stuck out infront of him, just incase he fell. "Where are we going?"

Derek just laughed.
These six months had been hard for everyone. Parrish was dead and Liam was coming to terms he had been a killing machine for a few months.

The hunters vanished. They had swarmed the town before death was banished but after everything, all trace of them had disappeared. It was like they hadn't even been at Beacon Hills.

Everyone was healing, slowly but surely. Today was a reminder of that to Derek, one step forward into the future.

"Der!" Stiles shouted again as he tripped over a piece of loose gravel on the pavement. Derek caught him before he could hit the ground.

"We're here now anyway." Derek whispered into Stile's ear before pulling him upright.
"Took long enough." Stiles muttered but Derek just laughed.

The rest of the pack were gathered in the empty carpark outside the auto repair shop. Not one person didnt have a grin on their faces and they all stood around a big thing that had a sheet over it.
The blindfold was untied from Stiles's face, he blinked uncertainly, probably at the amount of people and the bright sun light.

"Why are we at an auto repair shop?" Stiles's mused. "And whats that?"
He pointed to the clothed thing.

"Wait..." He said again, "Is that..."

Derek just grinned and began to count down from 5.


The sheet was whipped off the mass and Stiles's had to fight from screaming in joy. Instead he practically jumped on Derek, giving him the biggest hug Derek had ever experienced, before running to his jeep.

The jeep looked brand new, new paint job, everything. There were no signs that it had ever crashed. Stiles immediately got into the drivers seat and just put his head on the wheel.

"You guys dont know how much i've missed this." He said, closing his eyes. The rest of the pack had kind of trickled away, leaving only Derek, Stiles and his car.
Derek slid into the passenger seat beside Stiles. Stiles subconsciously clasped their hands together.

"What do you say we take her for a spin?" Derek asked and Stiles shot up immediately, a wild grin covering his face.

With a yell of excitement, Stiles revved the engine and they were gone into beautiful day.

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