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Stiles sat down against a school locker in the corridor in his mind. There was nothing he could do to signal his friends from in here. The door that led to the helm of this mind trap disappeared and somehow Stiles couldn't remember which door it had been. Something had messed with his memory.

There was only one thing to do, push out void. Only 2 things could exist in one person's body at the same time, so it would either be him and darkness or darkness and void.

He had to let it in. Stiles stood up on shaking legs and turned his face to the ceiling.
"I LET YOU IN!" He screamed at the ceiling, letting all his frustration out. The corridor instantly turned colder and Stiles walked to the middle of it, looking around.

Tendrils of black smoke had started to seep through each door, as if it was reminding Stiles the dark was now in control.
He took a deep breath and turned around just before a wave of dark ploughed into him.

"Thank you child." echoed a voice in Stiles before he closed his eyes, overwhelmed in the black.


"We have a problem!" Isaac and Malia came running back at full speed to Scotts house, shouting those words as they burst through the door, "Hunters have blocked off every entrance leading in and out of the town. They're trying to keep us in."

"We're going to have to fight our way out." Malia piled in after Isaac, equally worn down from the run back.

"We tried to tell them." Lydia walked into the hallway, oven gloves on and the sword wrapped in some heat proof material Derek had found. "Why can't they just leave us alone? It's like they want a fight even though there's not a lot of Monroe's corrupt group left."

"Well they wanted a fight so I guess we're going to have to give it to them. We aren't getting out of town to see Kira if we don't."
"I'll call Deaton and practically plead him to keep eyes on Parrish. Try to just knock the people out, only kill if absolutely necessary. Lydia try and go on the outside of the fight, through the trees with Allison and the sword."

"I'll call Derek." Isaac went off with his phone in hand
"Let's go then." Scott said not looking too happy about the fighting but Malia was the exact opposite. She already had her claws and was grinning manically. It had been too long since she'd had a proper fight.


Josh didn't dare go back to his shared room at night. Void had disappeared right after he threatened Josh and hadn't show back up that night, so it was decided that it was ok to try and sleep in the room.

Nightmares plagued Josh his sleep however, the memories of his parents dislodged from their hiding place after void mentioned them. Josh woke up sweating and panting during the middle of the night, the bedsheets stuck to his back.
He ran a hand through his tousled hair before turning to look at Stiles's bed, nearly jumping back into the wall in surprise when he saw who was there.

In the moonlight, Josh could just about make out Void. Void was sitting on the bed, fulling clothed and ontop of the duvet. He was just staring at Josh with a vacant expression and didn't stop even when Josh woke up.

That was the final night he was going to spend in that room, Josh decided. Since then he'd been finding empty dorm rooms to sleep in.

What was he going to do?


The scene was almost movie like, Monroe stepping out from the cluster of black SUVs to face the line of the supernatural.
Scott and his pack looked like a true family, a bit worn out looking and mismatched, but the same passionate flame burned inside of them.

Scott intended to drill as much fear into the hunters before going in to fight, in the hopes they would let them pass easily in fear. So the pack stood in a line, Scott in the middle, all bearing their different eyes, claws and fangs.
A small coyote with electric blue eyes darted to the front of the pack. It was Malia. She howled a proper coyote howl and Scott stepped forward besides her.

"We don't want to fight." He started off, "We're protectors, not here to waste lives with pointless clashes. Let us through and we won't have to do any harm."

Monroe stood tall, a clump visible on her shoulder where the bandage lay from the bullet wound, but a few of the hunters around her looked wary.

A few had burning hatred in their eyes, Scott could tell those were the ones who had a personal grudge against the supernatural.

He smiled sadly,
"Let's get to it then." Scott replied and his pack sprung into action just as the hunters prepared their guns.
His pack darted into the forest, using it to their advantage but not strayed too far into it.

Because somewhere deep in the forest Lydia and Allison ploughed on, holding the sword and a bow and arrow, with the fate of Beacon Hills depending on them.


The majority of the hunters stayed on the open road, forming a circle, all eyes on the trees were Scotts pack lurked.
A few shots were fired into the trees as the branches and leaves rustled. All of shots missed.

Then out came Malia darting across the road, hunters firing shots after her. The plan was to keep the hunters distracted and possible knock them out. But the hunters had plans of their own.
A nod from Monroe scattered them all into the trees, going in random directions to hunt the pack.

Scott cursed under his breath as the spied from the treetops . There were more hunters then creatures and they could possible get to Allison and Lydia.
He dropped to the ground floor and headed straight towards the nearest pair of hunters, hoping that the girls were expecting a fight.

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