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The rest of the pack walked into the room and were startled by what they saw. Josh had his head on Scotts shoulders and was sobbing. Scott mentioned for them to come back when him and Josh had sorted things out so they went.

"I won't tell anyone about what happened, unless you want me to." said Scott after Josh had subdued his tears.
"Aren't you angry at me for killing an innocent werewolf?"
Scott paused but then shook his head.
"It wasn't you." He started, "You weren't in control that night, so I know it wasn't you."

Josh nodded, a few loose tears fell down his cheeks.
"Thanks." he murmured, Josh sniffed and forced a smile to his face. "Right. Let's go and save some people."

Scott didn't fight the smile that appeared on his face.


No one mentioned the moment when the rest of the pack walked into the room. They had sensed it was a private moment and even Stiles decided to overlook it.

"Ok." Said Scott, gathered around the kitchen table with everyone else. " Is there any new developments in what this is and how we can find the people it has taken."

Lydia nodded.
"They are taken into nothing and re-appear when they are needed. If you see Liam or Peter anywhere don't trust them. "

She pulled the book of death out of her prada bag, put it on the table and opened to a new page. I read every inch of this book and found a hidden page in it. "

Lydia flicked to pages 78 and 79. Nothing looked out of the ordinary to Stiles and Derek.
"What wrong with it?" Derek asked, moving closer and closer to Stiles.

"Watch this." Lydia replied and peeled the two pages apart.
"Wow!" Said Stiles, resisting the urge to step back from the book. "Who did that?!"

"I don't know." Lydia was still slowly peeling back the pages . "But it makes you wonder how much more hidden pages there are. "

Everyone fell silent until Lydia was done. "I unpeeled it yesterday but as soon as I closed the book, the pages stuck back together. I've asked Deaton and he said he would have a look to find out what this is."

The page fell open on the table. It had no page number, Stiles noted and it had a kind of messy feel to it, like someone had ran out of time to make it neat.

On one page there was a shrouded figure, surrounding a town , but it was fire that formed a cage around that small town. Stiles frowned at the page.

"What does the writing say?" Asked Allison, peering over her best friends shoulder to get a closer look. It was written in ancient Latin.

"It says that death... death has no form and will take. It can only be stopped with h...h... hellfire from the beasts of the hunt it commands. It will and go as it pleases, injure who it wants and take what it can." Lydia said, stuttering over the ancient language.

"But has it ever been stopped?" Said Scott fully leaning over the table.

Lydia paled as the she read the writing on the page.
"It says, death has been stopped only once in the history of man kind and that was in 1773 in Gévaudan by Marie-jeanne Valet. "

Allison's eyebrows raised at the name of her ancestor stopping death.

"It... It says death was angry with her for killing The Beast of Gévaudan so it came back. She stopped it with a hellh..."

Lydia was suddenly cut off when Allison let out a huge gasp. She stumbled backwards, nearly pulling the book off the table, until she thudded into the wall. Her eyes darted everywhere but she wasn't seeing.

"Allison?" Said Josh, slowly stepping towards her.
Allison muttered one word, her hands now outstretched.

Scott grabbed Josh by his arm and pulled him back.
"No, not now." He murmured before yelling, "Derek and Stiles restrain her, Lydia get her weapons away!"

Allison started struggling and whimpering, her arms shaking as she was pinned against the wall. Lydia removed all the weapons that she could find from Allison and moved her crossbow to another room.

Her eyes darted frantically and she screamed
"NO no... go away.. IT'S NOT REAL. ALLISON WAKE UP!"

Her eyes suddenly closed and she sagged against the wall. When they opened, they focused on Scott and she whispered,
"I'm ok now."

Stiles and Derek let go of her and she wordlessly stood up and retrieved her weapons from where Lydia put them.

"What was that!" Josh was still standing a little way away from the pack, half in horror and half in confusion.
Scott sighed.

"Derek and Stiles told you about when me, Allison and Stiles had to go into our subconscious memories to save him. But they didn't tell you that there would be a...a darkness around our hearts for the rest of our lives. "

Josh sucked in a breath.
"What kind of darkness."

"It exposes itself in little episodes like this. Allison goes under illusions where when she comes back to the real world, she normally has a weopon pointed at someone. She fired a crossbow at Lyida because of the hallucinations once. For me.. I start to see things, like my shadow changes into a killer wolf and it preys on my fears. For Stiles, we aren't sure. He has been less effected then the rest of us, maybe because he's human. The only time where his effects really went crazy was with the nogitsune inside him, but it's been mostly quiet since."

"So you guys will be having these 'relapses' your entire life?" Josh asked

Scott nodded.
"Allison's are the worse. I can try and ignore mine, sometimes it works but sometimes it doesnt. But Allison is transported to a completely different environment."

And with that Scott turned back around to the table and they continued to plan like nothing happened.  They planned until midday until Lydia said,

"What do we do about Isaac and Malia?"
Scott was just about to anwser when a  voice came from the doorway behind them.

"You don't have to do anything."

In limped Isaac and Malia, Malia supporting Isaac on one shoulder, while one of his legs trailed behind. They were covered in slashes, blood and what looked like burns in some places.

Malia gripped onto the door frame for support and gave them a wicked grin, just before Isaac stated,

"They got blood on my bloody scarf."

And collapsed, eyes rolling into the back of his head and dragging Malia down with him.

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