Catacombs pt. 2

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The new room was suprisingly bright and airy. Various crevices pushed light into the room from up above. It was nearly morning up in Paris.

"Wow." murmured Isaac, staring at the ceiling, the small pockets of light dancing on his face.
"Double wow." Malia murmured back.

"Where do you think the sword is?" Isaac asked, now starting to look around the stone room. They both put their flash lights away as the room was bright enough.
"I don't know." Malia anwsered, "Start pressing the walls or something. Maybe we can find a hidden trigger."

Isaac nodded and went to the left side of the room, different pockets of light catching on his face as he went.
Malia turned around and pressed on foot to the floor. The floor sunk down around her foot. She had stepped on a trap.
Almost immediately the pockets of light vanished from the ceiling, leaving Malia and Isaac wandering in the dark.
"Malia!" Isaac yelled. Malia could hear him starting to walk towards her.
"NO!" She yelled at him, "The place is rigging with traps! Don't move!"

Isaac's footsteps ceased and Malia fumbled for her flashlight.
She turned it on almost the same time as Isaac did. He was about 9 steps away from her.
"Malia... Your foot!" Isaac's beam of light concentrated on the foot that had set off the trap.
Dust was beginning to rise out of the stone, but only in the one bit Malia had stepped on.
It curled around her foot.
"What the hell is that?" She said, looking at the dust but not daring to move her foot. That was until the mystery dust touched the bare skin between Malias shoe and jeans, sending a searing pain through her leg.

She yanked her foot away almost immediately and slowly moved away before Malia could breath any of it in.
She completely forgot about the traps in the floor and backed straight into Isaac.
"Mountain ash." She said to him, as he grabbed her arms to keep her from falling.
Isaac and Malia were standing on one piece of tiled stone, slowly watching the mountain ash curl higher and higher.
"We're going to die in here, aren't we?" Isaac stated, arms still around Malia.
"I'm afraid so." Malia replied back, dread gnawing at her heart. They both watched the mountain ash spill out of the fissure in the ground, powerless to stop it.

Before long, nearly a quarter of the room was covered in a lethal dust.
"What do we do?" Malia asked Isaac. They were running out of time.

"We're going to have to move." He replied back, "At least try to get out of here."
"But we'll set off another mountain ash explosion!" Malia argued.
"Well it's better then standing around, waiting to die." was Isaacs only reply before Malia felt him move away.

She spun around, but said nothing. Isaac tested out each piece of stone before putting his weight on it. Malias flashlight was honed on Isaac, so he could see what he was doing. Meanwhile the cloud of mountain ash seemed to calm down. Less and less of it was coming out of the ground and it just hovered in the corner of the room.

Isaac was still carefully treading towards the walls when Malia turned her flashlight on the dust.
"Wait." She murmured, "No it can't be!"
The beam of light had hit something that glimmered like rainfall. It was right in the middle of the haze of mountain ash. It was the sword.

"Isaac!" Malia shouted. Isaac turned  around, careful not to place his foot anywhere dangerous. "Its the sword!"

"How the hell are we going to get that!" Isaac's flashlight focused on Malia.
"Someone has to go in there." Malia anwsered. "Find a way out Isaac."
"MALIA DON'T!" Isaac yelled as the were-coyote threw caution to the wind and started to run towards the sword.

Small fissures erupted as her feet hit the ground. It was painful, practically burning Malia and she took a deep breath of the fresh air before plunging into the toxic cloud. Isaacs screams petered out behind her.

Malia's heart pounded in her lung as she held her breath, staggering towards the bright metal. Everything hurt and the world started to spin, but still she kept on moving forward. She had to get to the sword.

Malia stumbled towards the flashing light and grabbed it with 2 hands. The sword was heavy, weighing her weak and half-poisoned body to the ground. All she could do was stumble a few more feet before the lack of breath and the dizziness took over. Malia dropped to the floor, clutching the sword.


Isaac screamed after Malia as she plunged in the wolfsbane cloud but she didn't stop. He couldn't do anything except watch and wait for her to surface. She had to survive. He couldn't live without her annoying presence.
But it was too much for him to just sit there and wait. He had to find her. Isaac rushed forward, darting over the tiles so light that barely any of them broke.
He took a death breath before plunging into the cloud. He felt the impacts almost as soon as he stepped in, the bare skin on his arms burning and he immediately felt dizzy. Isaac didn't want to imagine what it would be like if he actually breathed any of the stuff in.

Isaac didn't have to stumble far before he found Malia. She was curled up in a ball around the sword, halfway to unconsciousness. Some instinct had her still holding her breath but Isaac didn't know how long that would last. He pulled her weak body into his arms and made a dash for the un-poisoned part of the room.

Isaac barely made it out of the cloud before he collapsed to his knees. Malia was still unconscious and Isaac pushed her body across the ground.

Slowly but surely he inched away from the poisonous cloud. Isaac had lost all feeling in his legs now so he had to drag himself along on his hands.
Suddenly he felt a squeaking sound behind him, from where the wolfsbane cloud was. It was slowly leaking away, falling back through the cracks in which it had come up before.
The holes in the ceiling suddenly opened up again, flooding the cavern with light again. Isaac and Malia had lost their flashlights.
Isaac looked over at her, she lay barely breathing, but yellow foam frothed at the edge of her mouth. Isaac dragged himself over, the feeling starting to return in his legs.
"Malia." He panted. Her eyes shot open but Isaac knew they werent seeing anything. She shook her head in different directions but before Isaac could do anything else, a faint glow appeared on the other side of Malia.
It was Elsie.

"She is dying." The ghost girl said as she knelt down to inspect Malia. "She let wolfsbane into her lungs."
"Can you help her?" Isaac said frantically, "I...ive lost everyone. I cant lose her."
He grasped Malias hand, slicked in sweat and clammy but he didn't let go, and looked up at Elsie. She looked like she was thinking.
Elsie stoood back up and ripped off a piece of her dress. She offered it to Isaac and as soon as he touched it, it became real.
"My clothes aren't a part of my ghost so add the cloth to the sword. Add another piece to all the lives it has taken. "
"What do you mean?" Isaac said.
"I can save her but at a cost of my own ghost life." Elsie replied, "Tell Malia i said bye. "
And with that a blinding light started to radiate off the ghost girl. Isaac shut his eyes and when he opened them, Elsie was gone and Malia was sitting up panting.
"What." Malia said, "What..."
"Malia!" Isaac gasped and practically fell into her arms. She hugged him back.
"What happened?" She murmured into his t-shirt, "The last thing i remember was passing out."
Isaac pulled back and swallowed.

"Elsie saved you." He said, "But she gave up her ghost life to do so."
"May she have found peace." Was all Malia said.
Isaac nodded.

"Let's get out of here before I call Scott and tell him." Isaac replied, standing up on shaky legs and extending a hand to Malia. She took it and together they walked out of the chamber.
Malia made sure she clawed the button out of the wall, so no one would die in a wolfsbane cloud looking for something that had already been found. She took the triscellion button with her, as an almost memory of the ghost girl who had saved her life.

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