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Dark Parrish was the first to break the stunned silence.
"You're having a really bad day, aren't you Scott? First you learn that I've unleashed void and now your killers have come back."
"Allison." Scott said, the strain in his voice clear. "Arrow."
She nodded and picked up her bow, shooting the arrow incredibly fast. It pierced right through dark Parrish's hand, sticking in the wall behind.

Parrish surprisingly didn't say anything, just held his dripping hand up infront of him. His hand started to heal, the skin stretching together, black blood filling the void.

"Shoot it and kill it." Monroe's sharp voice cut through the atmosphere and her 4 henchmen raised their guns.

"Lydia!" Scott half yelled and Lydia screamed. The 5 hunters dropped their weapons to clutch their hands to their ears.
When they removed them, a trickle of blood dripped down each of their ears.
"Next time it will be your skull." Lydia simply said and stepped forward.

"You can't kill him." Scott said, "He's been... taken over. Let's put it that way. Now tell your 56 men stationed around the building to stand down or we have people we can call who will make sure none of them live. "

Monroe pursed her lips before waving to two people in the back of her group, who left the room. No doubt to tell everyone else to back off.
"Now what do you want." Scott growled.
"Something's been killing my men and it's something we can't stop. You were our very very last resort, if things got really bad. The men I have here are the only men I have left in the USA."

Parrish laughed before Scott could reply, blinking his whole black eyes at Monroe.
"You were fools to come here. To the source of the destruction. Your men tasted vile when I sucked the life out of them. "
"Should of guessed it was you." Scott said at Parrish before talking back to Monroe. "Well you got your anwser now scatter before we do call back up. I have a very anger baiter who would like to rip you into shreds for killing his family."
Scott gestured to Josh and Josh snapped his teeth at Monroe but she stood strong.
"We aren't leaving." She said, standing up taller. "Not until you help us get rid of it."

Malia started to laugh
"Us? Help you? You turned this town into a slaughter house, creating a pointless war and killing innocent people. We want to see you dead. Dead by our hands so we can avenge all the lost."
"People." Monroe spat out as if in disgust. "Those weren't people! They were monsters!!"
Her 4 companions cheered behind her but quickly fell silent when Malia flashed turned into her were-coyote form, just to scare them.

Scott shook his head at Monroe. "They had lives. Family who miss them. They had the 5 sense and could love, hate, want and every other feeling. They weren't any less human then you or I. "
Scott closed his eyes and when he opened them, the alpha eyes stared back.
Monroe glared at them.
"We will keep coming back until you help us."
"No." said Scott. "You won't. Now run little hunters before we do some real damage. "

Cars started up outside and Monroe stalked off. In less then a minute everything outside was silent, aside from the thunderstorm that still brought chaos.
"We need help with this. They obviously arent going to leave." was the first thing Scott said, turning around to face them all. "I'm calling everyone back."
"I'll get Jackson and Ethan?" said Lydia already pressing dials on her phone. "I think they have Alec with them aswell."
"I'll call Mason, Corey and Liam." Replied Allison.
"Does anyone know of anyone else that could help us?" Scott asked the pack.
"Kira." said Isaac, "We could really use her powers."
Scott gulped and his hand went straight to the necklace around his throat.
"But she's with the skin walkers now and she is bound to them for eternity." Scott told Isaac. "I wanted to give her back this necklace one day but.."

Scott trailed off but then Derek turned to him.
"Scott what about your parents and Chris Argent?"
"I'm going to call them in a minute and warn them. My mom and Chris hurt many a hunter and they would obviously want revenge."

Everyone nodded, going away to make calls and call in old favours.


By the next day everyone was gathered in Scotts house. Everyone was here, Jackson and Ethan (but no Alec) having got the first plane back to Beacon Hills, Chris Argent and Scotts mom were gathered along with everyone else.
"Glad you guys could all make it." Scott said, smiling grimly at the people around him. Everyone who had arrived nodded back.

They were all sat in the front room of Scotts house, planning what to do next.
"I think Void Stiles won't really be a problem until the end of this." Ethan said, his arm around Jackson as they leaned against the wall. " He will observe from a distance and at the end, when we are all weak, he will strike and try to decimate us. Just like he did with A..a...iden and Josie."

Derek had explained to Josh about Ethans dead twin, killed by Void Stiles's doing on the same night of Josie's death.
"But how are we going to extract that hellfire from dark Parrish?" Malias asked.
Malia was sitting on the second sofa, wedged inbetween Lydia and Isaac. On the first small sofa Mellisa and Chris Argent sat.  Derek leant again a wall being all broody and Allison and Scott sat on the floor infront of the small table.
Liam sat on the other side of the table but Corey and Mason couldn't make it to the meeting. They were fully aware of what was going on though.

"I can help with the hellfire." Lydia yet again brought out a massive dusty book and it slammed onto the table.
Dust rose like a cloud and everyone coughed.
"Where.. the hell did... you find that thing!?" coughed Malia, hand infront of her mouth to stop the dust from getting into her lungs.
"Dosent matter." Lydia replied, flipping through the book until she got to the page about death.

"Death can only be tamed
By the person who once mamed
It and cast it out
The bloodline holds no doubt
Only the killers heir can break
Deaths reign before it takes
Use the fire from a hell beast to send it away,
Before Death takes the light of day."

"What the hell does that mean?" Allison asked, leaning forward to peer over the book. Scott sat silent thinking about the words that were written.

"It means history is about to repeat itself." Lydia said. "Starting with you Allison."

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