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Void stiles moved his head slowly from side to side, or tried to. Scott had told Josh that Void stiles couldn't move that well, mostly because of being chained to a wall, when Scott was accessing his memories, but he could still speak to them.

Josh now realised that Void Stiles was a lot worse then he had imagined. He knew how the nogitsune could go and slaughter and enjoy it.

Void stiles's eyes swept from side to side, spinning menace and rage in them. He smiled a smile that promised evil.

"A few new faces last I last came to hunt." Void said. "Hello pretty boy."
He looked at Josh, the comment obviously aimed at him but Josh just gulped and stepped back.
Void Stiles laughed again.

"If only I had my full spirit, I would be out of this tape and chains within seconds, capable of throwing a Derek hale against the wall like he was as weak as a feather."
Derek growled.
"Stop." Mellisa put out a hand infront of Derek to stop him getting any closer. "He wants to get you riled up."

Derek nodded and his eyes turned back to their normal colour.
"And you, pretty boy Josh." Void Stiles chuckled. "They'll find out soon enough. You can't hide it forever. "

Josh felt Lydia look at him in curiosity as to what Void Stiles meant but Josh just stared straight ahead.
"Another spirit is vying for this person. I pushed him out. This is my vessel for my command but it still lurks." Said Void.

"But you already know what it is Lydia. Tell them. Tell. Them. When are you going to tell them? But you can't. Because this monster is something sent by death himself that you can't defeat. Seems like time has run out. I'll be free soon enough."
A smirk played on Void Stiles's lips and he rattled his hands around to test the strength of what binded him to the wall.

"Soon you will all be with your precious Josie. I still remember that day you know. The oni's sword went straight through her. A nice clean cut and what did she die for? Nothing. I'm still here and the boy she saved has run off.
She. Died. For. Nothing."

"Tape." Allison was standing up and trembling with silent fury. She grabbed the tape of Mellisa and went over to Void Stiles. His mouth was taped shut and he let out a roar of rage underneath it.

That was when Josh saw the full of it. All the rage and revenge that lay under all the planned chaos he caused. It was enough to make him want to run in the other direction, especially after the nogitsune mentioned the secret. People will suspect now.

"I hope Scott finds what he looks for and fast." Said Lydia, stating to tap her foot impatiently. "We might be running out of time."

Josh followed her look and saw the bonds that held Void Stiles down were starting to stretch and the cuffs were already broken. Josh gulped again. Scott better hurry or they were all in trouble.


Scott awoke the same as the last time he had been in the nogitsune's mind. He was strapped down to a table in what looked like Eichin house.

He used his claws and his strength to break free, like he did last time. The door was locked and shut when Scott tried to open it. Different from last time. He ran a hand through his hair, stuck on what to do.

Suddenly the door opened and on the other side was Stiles. His Stiles.
"Scott." Stiles hugged him. "You're here."
"I need to find anwsers to how the nogitsune behaves."
"Yeah I know. " replied Stiles. "I think I know where you can find them too."
"Scott this place is where I come every time Void Stiles takes over. I was screaming against these walls, trapped as he slowly planned to kill my friends."
Scott winced. He could only imagine all the terror Stiles had felt, trapped in his own head.

Stiles turned around and ran off without another word. Scott had no choice but to follow.

They arrived at a brass door, two times thicker then a normal one.
"This is where Void is usually locked away when I am in control. It is in penentrable and only opens when I want it to. Void is at the helm of my mind now, so I can open it and see what he is planning."

Stiles closed his eyes and the door started to open with a creak. Scott raised his eyebrows.
"So is it like this in everyone's mind then?" He asked.
Stiles shrugged.
"I think it depends on your character I guess. I mean look around."

Scott looked around and for the first time realised that they were standing in a corridor that somewhat resembled Beacon Hills high school.
"The high school." He said. Stiles nodded.

"Come on. Let's go in and see what we can find." The door had opened fully so Scott and Stiles crept in.

"I've never been in this room before for fear of letting the nogitsune out. That means I don't know what's safe or what isnt." said Stiles as soon as they had gotten in the room.

It was a plain white, about the size of Derek's loft, with several doors leading off to different other rooms. It was a pure white but shadows waiting in every corner, reminding Scott that this was a bad place.

"Something must be down one of the corridors." said Scott, seeing nothing in the white empty room.
"But which one?" said Stiles. He went over to the first door. It semi-glowed and when Stiles touched it, it was burning hot. He yelped and quickly moved to the next.

Scott inspected the door after Stiles had left. He testingly put a hand on the door but it didn't burn.
"Hey." Scott called out to Stiles. "It dosent burn."
"What!" Stiles came back. "Maybe because I'm the original host of this body, the doors won't open for me."

"Should we go in?" Scott asked.
"I don't think we really have a choice." Stiles replied.
Scott pushed open the door and was immediately dragged inside.


The bonds got weaker and weaker every second that Void stiles pulled on them. It had been almost 1 hour since Scott had gone under and only a few people were still watching Void Stiles.

Him, Lydia, Derek and Allison. Everyone else had gone. The four of them sat in silence while Void stiles eyed them. Josh remembered when he was told that Stiles had a lot more blood on his hands then everyone else.

Josh thought back to the day when Stiles and Derek had told him everything that happened to them, including the parts with void stiles. The real Stiles had stayed completely silent and let Derek tell the entire part.

Void Stiles had killed a lot of people and turned friend against friend. Josh shuddered as he imagined what Void Stiles could do if he got the whole of his power back again. I mean, he had thrown massive Derek against the wall as if he was as insignificant as an ant.

A gasp suddenly ripped Josh from his thoughts. Scott pulled his claws out of Stiles neck and took a heavy breath. Josh could see normal Stiles fighting for control against Void Stiles. He started grimacing and flinching, his eyes displaying the battle going on inside.

It was short lived however, as normal Stiles soon overpowered Void and he was back to normal.

"Chaos." said Scott, staring at Josh, looking empty. "He brings Chaos."

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